Have You Ever Feared Being Outed On This Site?

by minimus 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat

    Yeah I have given out more than enough info to identify myself on here, but I guess the elders simply don't care enough about me to seek me out and destroy.

  • minimus

    Some might suggest that if we are concerned about being exposed, it means we're still captive to the cult.

  • N.drew

    Wait a gosh darn minute. I thought you meant will I be removed from posting.

    Did you mean if someone knew I was posting then I would be disfellowshipped?

    I do not fear that.

  • minimus

    I mean, are you afraid that a JW might find out you post here?

  • unshackled

    Like undercover I don't really care much anymore but don't go out of my way to expose myself. Though have already revealed more than enough to be easily identifiable to a JW family member. But I was off the radar long ago...no one is snooping around for me.

    *waves to Sab's family too*

  • james_woods

    I did not know you were from Boulder, Magwitch - we have a cabin between Lyons and Estes Park in Boulder county.

  • undercover

    Some might suggest that if we are concerned about being exposed, it means we're still captive to the cult.

    I post on other forum boards... sports, cars, motorcylces and I keep my true identity hidden there just as much, if not more so, there. Does that mean I'm afraid that I'm captive to a cult because I don't identify myself on those boards?

  • mrsjones5

    I don't if I would call it fear. I just would rather that certain people not know that I'm here. It's none of their business and what they don't know won't hurt them.

  • james_woods
    sports, cars, motorcylces and I keep my true identity hidden there just as much

    Does that mean I'm afraid that I'm captive to a cult because I don't identify myself on those boards?

    We have never disfellowshipped anybody over at Ferrari for buying a Lamborghini. Corvettes, perhaps, but not Lamborghini.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Yes, I really did when I first joined and for a while after. Quite a few people know my real identity now although I wouldn't want to make that link for all to see, partly because I have a lot of JW family and partly because I wouldn't want anyone googling my name to find everything I have posted here. Some parts of your online life are better anonymous for professional reasons too.

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