An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • N.drew

    It doesn negate the fact that YOU can do something about it, but won't. savvy?

    You do not know how to listen dear still thinking. Put listening and thinking TOGETHER and then listen some more.

  • AGuest

    I have no objections, dear Size (peace to you!).

    Medicine "worked", dear tec (peace to you, as well, dear one!)... and "groggies" are actually manageable, right now. Took a short break, though, while my head was "in the clouds" for a sec...

    AGuest - why would I pay international rates for more of the stuff you trot out here?

    C'mon, Q (peace to you, again...): you don't have to pay anything. I could just as well called you. However, the "why" you would CALL (or want me to call YOU) was answered above. No point in restating it. We've already spent too much time restating things have that already been stated, indeed, posted here for perpetuity. Please... take a sec and review and you will see that I absolutely and specifically stated why.

    You preach incessantly about the most ludicrous stuff I've ever heard (and my religious history has exposed me to a lot) and I don't want to hear more pseudo babble with a scripture misquoted here and there for good measure.

    Well, okay, but don't accuse me of not giving you "evidence". Because based on this you would consider what you received "ludicrous" and/or "psuedo babble"... regardless. But that's on you, dear one... not me...

    I dont believe in a thing you post or any of your philosophy - why should I want to talk to you?

    Yes, I know... and I have NO idea. But it's not like I haven't asked YOU that (i.e., WHY do you care what I believe and/or keep addressing me???). That doesn't negate, however, that when you called for "evidence"... and I responded... it was you who backed away...

    - your just another person posting weirdness on a forum to me and you change the meaning of words so often that I can't understand what you are aiming at some of the time.

    That you can't understand has absolutely NOTHING to do with me... or the changing of word meanings. Words mean what they mean. True, some have multiple meanings, but that you have been misled to believe the wrong one(s) isn't MY fault. I didn't mislead you... or lie to you. Have not... will not.

    A chat with you is not proof of anything except your existence which I've not doubted.

    Now, just how would you know that? Before you respond, I would caution you to think about the "lessons" you're trying to teach ME, here...

    If you have some proof that is more than your subjective magic world stop dancing around and post it otherwise stop pretending that you save all the real evidence for those willing to phone you up.

    No pretense. It's just that I've been here before... and know what people tend to "need". I mean, I wish you would just listen to what I'm sharing, and then go to the One who could give you the "miracle" you so desperately seek... and leave ME out of it. But your lack of faith won't let you do that. No, you need to see it... or hear it... with your own eyes/ears. Now, I've posted what I'VE seen and heard (which your eyes can attest to)... but you still don't BELIEVE it. So.... it's apparently going to take something "more" with you... something that CAN'T be experienced on an Internet forum. I mean, I can post all the day long that I "heard" such and so. What, though, if YOU hear what I hear? Can you do that through an internet site?

    You are no more special than any poster here.

    Indeed. MUCH less special, actually. Hence... YOUR servant. Always. (BTW - It isn't me that would show you anything anyway...)

    If I had some great truth to share with the world I would do all I could to make it available and accessible

    Ummmm... which is why I am HERE: to share the truth with the world. Well, that part of it that visits here. To do more, I would have to join/form/become some kind of religion ('cause that's what most of the world wants - you know, someone to look "up" to and follow). I can't do that, however, sorry. Because it isn't about ME... but about the One who shares with ME. YOU folks are the ones making it about me. WHY????

    I certainly wouldnt take great delight in writing it in as confusing a manner as possible or in a style I knew was grating.

    Sure you would. You do it now. You're grating to me... but, so what? It's your style. Who am I to tell you how to write... or what to take delight in writing about? You write what you do... AS you do... because it suits YOU, not me. And I don't deny you that. Whatever floats YOUR boat...

    I'd present my evidence and explain exactly how I observed and gathered my facts and I wouldnt play internet forum games as the way to promulgate my critical information.

    Yes, that's how YOU would do it. I am not you, though, dear one. Now, if you're saying (and you are, as "you" all do) that the only way TO present "evidence"... the only way YOU will accept it... is the way YOU would do it... well, then... where does that lead us? At the impasse we always come to. I believe I addressed that once before though (you want ME to do things YOUR way... to help you see what you want to see... but it doesn't work that way: you must do things GOD'S way... because it's HIS "stuff". Yet, you refuse to DO things God's way so as to "see"... and are mad and me... and "Him." YOU can refuse to do things a certain way... but I can't. Once again... hypocrisy... which I understand you can't SEE...).

    If you seriously believed you had a provable, useful message you'd listen to what I'm saying and you'd consider new ways more user friendly ways to share your thoughts

    BWAAHHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH! Seriously?? If I seriously believed I had a provable, useful message... I'd listen to what YOU'RE saying?? And consider "new" ways, more user-friendly ways to share my thoughts? Seriously?

    I'm not Steve Jobs, dear one... and this ain't Apple. You're not my "customer" - the Household of God, Israel, is... and they find my style QUITE "user-friendly." I'm not trying to grow a company or make a profit. I'm just the janitor... not the Regional Manager. All I do is post signs, most that say, "Caution - Wet Floor"... to help those walking avoiding slipping and falling. Now, if they choose to walk through the "spill"... well... all I can do is perhaps say, "Oooh, that looked like it hurt!"... and offer them a hand up.

    but I suspect you'll just write me an essay explaining nothing beyond why you aren't anything but the undefinable all knowing AG.

    An essay, perhaps - I am verbose and there's a lot "in" me, sorry. But I am nothing close to undefinable or all-knowing. I know NOTHING. I just listen to One who knows, is all... and share it with any who wish to hear it. When folks ASK me... I ASSUME they want to know. I mean, 'cause that's usually WHY people ask stuff. Here, though, many ask with deceitful intent: they don't REALLY want to know - they just want to contend.

    But that doesn't really bother me. Rather, it just proves to me why I was sent here: to share with Israel. You know, those who "contend with God"? Definitely a lot of THAT here... and so I have NO doubt that Israel IS here.

    Okay, moving on... and, again, peace to you, dear Q, truly!

    YOUR servant (because I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel... even if they don't KNOW they're Israel... by blood... or by their unyielding contentions with God)... and a slave of Christ, His Son...


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    How would you KNOW what I do or don't do N.drew? I probably do more to help these people than your god does

    I have to say, that the more I read the excuses christians make for god...the more I lean toward not believing in him.

    And I am baffled that christians don't even recognise that they make excuses for him.

  • sizemik
    It doesn negate the fact that YOU can do something about it, but won't. savvy? . . . N.drew

    Will you do something about it? . . . if not, why not?

  • N.drew

    Did they kicked you off Bible Discussion Forum too? Sometimes as we cause in you baffling befundalment, you sure do cause wonder in me. I usually read my posts before posting do you see this?My God doen't abstain from sex?? What IS that suppose to mean? Anyone in the "other camp" want to take a stab at that? No? As I suspect .

    By the did pose doubt that atheists would abstain from sex for seven years to help these children...which I find kind of amusing since I am sure that most people here would, and yet your god doesn't.
  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Already amended N.drew...before you pointed it out. I hadn't finished typing what I was thinking before pushing the submit sorry...I'll go whip myself shall I....LOL

    ** edit** Annnndddd I'm adding to this too.......funny you need to change the subject from your criticism of atheists to my unfinished sentence structure. So back to what you atheists wouldn't give up sex for 7 years to help these children.

    What a pathetic statement...what Is your god doing to help them exactly?

  • N.drew

    HUH??? I am doing something. What am I doing? I'm telling you. And I bought the book. I just found out about it. What do you think I should do? Someone with loads of money could build shelters for the girls. But the thing is and my point that is pointless, is change your mind. The reason some things happen, as in the situation Lloyd wrote about, is people accept it. People do. You have NO PROOF that the God views it acceptable. The Earth can't be The Holy One's possession AND ours too AT THE SAME (SWEARING) TIME. Is this my personal nightmare? It is, isn't it?

  • N.drew

    Am I dead?

  • sizemik
    Sometimes as we cause in you baffling befundalment . . . N.drew
    I usually read my posts before posting do you see this? . . . N.drew


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'd personally like to thank you n.drew for swaying me in the direction of and people like myelaine are exactly the type of christians that help us to see the light.

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