An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tec

    A yes or no without reasoning attached to it doesn't make for a very qualified answer, does it?

    How would you "not allow" suffering, Size?

  • N.drew

    "without intervention" is anti-christ. Christ IS our intervention.

    If I was god would I personally ignore the suffering? Yes. I would. I don't, but I'm not too good at helping. I would have caused the cessation of human birth, one of the greatest joys. I did say I was an SOB, it wasn't about my mother. I might even be satan, I don't really know. Do you?

  • startingover

    History has been made at the top of the previous page, AGuest actually made a post without her condescending (Peace to you). Check it out.

  • sizemik
    A yes or no without reasoning attached to it doesn't make for a very qualified answer, does it? . . . tec

    No it doesn't . . . an unqualified yes or no was suggested because I was interested who and how many would feel comfortable giving an unqualified answer . . . but it's not compulsory . . . just a suggestion.

    After 42 pages I felt enough qualifying had taken place for the posters to just come out and say it . . . yes or no.

    It's quite a simple question . . .

    ... if you were God, would you allow this [suffering] to go on for hundreds of years without intervention?...AK Jeff(OP)
  • tec

    Size, can you comment on my last post, on the previous page, if you aren't already? Sometimes last posts per page get missed. Maybe you can help me understand what I don't, as to that?

    an unqualified yes or no was suggested because I was interested who and how many would feel comfortable giving an unqualified answer

    Well, I have to say that I don't feel comfortable with it. Because I'm not God. Same as I wouldn't feel comfortable saying, 'Oh if I were 'so and so' I would never do that or say that... or... I would absolutely have done this! I can't believe so and so doesn't do it!" Because I am not that person, I have not walked in that person's shoes, I do not know the things that that person knows. What about promises made, or if the act of doing something causes more harm until a specific time? Or whatever?

    I concern myself far more with what I personally can and should be doing.



  • N.drew

    I think he means if you were powerful, you, and you saw us from above us would you stop the suffering, or would you ignore it?

    Given only two choices I think ignore is the way I'd choose because it is way, way too big for me, I am sure that I would need to ignore it. If I stayed to consider it, I would probably cause some distress where I thought it would be more deserved, so I would leave. Because fighting injustice with injustice is wrong, I say.

  • sizemik
    Well, I have to say that I don't feel comfortable with it. Because I'm not God.

    It's hypothetical and not encumbent on the reality/non-reality of god (ie; if you were god) . . . but it does confront the moral question posed and creates an obvious cognitive dissonance. It was a question posed by the OP, but few have answered it in 42 pages of posts . . .

  • AGuest
    AGuest actually made a post without her condescending (Peace to you). Check it out.

    How... no, WHY... in the WORLD... is wishing someone peace "condescending," dear Starting (peace to YOU!)???? My GOODNESS, some folks are seriously "tainted". Lordy, have you NEVER received a well-wish... even love? Reminds me of another scene in my favorite movie ("Dangerous Beauty"), where, in preparing her for life as a courtesan (highly paid prostitute who serviced rich and powerful men), Veronica Franco's mother first pampered her (Veronica) to hilt! Her rationale?

    "To GIVE pleasure... you must KNOW pleasure."

    I won't even expound on the "moral of the story" behind that line. Rather, I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt and chalk your comment up to indoctrination such as obtained through, say, the the WTBST. You know, where there really is NO [true] love?

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • sizemik
    Who is saying we should wait? . . . tec

    Nobody . . . but the point is God is waiting . . . hence the moral conundrum. Is there a justifiable reason for it?

    But the fact that we are not blaming God - but are instead taking responsibility - is somehow the big issue here. . . . tec

    There appears to be a misunderstanding about this. I for one do not blame God for anything. I simply ask, if he exists, why does he choose inaction as a response? It's not about blaming anybody . . . it's seeking an explanation for a legitimate moral question.

    The opposite of what any believer here has said. . . . tec

    Does that in itself make it a false statement?

    According to everything I just said (clarified), then tell me in what way I or others who have answered this thread are wasting resources (physical and intellectual) that could be better employed? . . . tec

    The reference is to humankind in general . . . not exclusively to the posters here. Once again, it's a universal question of moral obligation. There are literally thousands of different religious beliefs throughout the world . . . only one at most can be right. Which means the great majority are putting time and resources into a falsehood, not to mention the intellectual cost of a life spent believing in a false premise . . . I think the wastefulness is self-evident.

  • sizemik
    Given only two choices I think ignore is the way I'd choose because it is way, way too big for me ... Because fighting injustice with injustice is wrong, I say. . . . N.drew

    N.drew . . . the question pre-supposes that you are morally perfect, all-powerfull and all-knowing. If God is not all three, then we already have the answer to the question posed in the OP don't we?

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