An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • myelaine

    dear sizemik...

    you said: "Yeah . . . at the tsunami warning we'd be paddling out 40 miles . . . catching those 50m mothers and riding them all the way down the St Laurence, praising Jah, the great and mighty wave generator, for his goodness toward surfers." this a thinly veiled lack of compassion toward the plight of others? or do you just think you're funny?

    dear darthvader...

    you said: "I don't believe this dribble, but once religious people believe that the "next life" (no matter what you call it: Heaven, New Order, Allah's Palace etc.) is possible, it inherently devalues this existence and provide justification or explanation for the most grievous suffering."...who's devalueing?

    you suggest it couldn't possibly be a non-religious person, it's got to be the religious who lend support to welfare programs around the world, and who have built hospitals and actually left their comfortable lives behind in order to minister to the physical needs of the less fortunate...they're always living in the "next life"...(it might surprise you to know that most christians believe that God IS watching them go about their Fathers business)...

    would you like to have your "giving" put under a microscope?

    love michelle

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    When does he stop watching? Does he watch ALL the time... he knows when you are sleeping...he knows when your awake...he knows when you've been good or bad so be good for goodness sake.

    Sounds familiar

  • ShadesofGrey

    Hi SOG! Please do not feel responsible for reveling the truth to them! It is not possible to do that. if you meant sharing what you are learning, that is commendable, but you might make some enemies of your friends. Be prepared. Peace!

    No worries! I only reveal as God leads, and I know it isn't my burden. Not at all. I probably could have worded things better.

    I did not even rescue my husband, but I planted, Apollos watered, God kept making it grow.

    LOVE Sis,


  • ziddina


    Some time when I have a lot of free time [ha ha ha], I'll read this entire thread...


  • ShadesofGrey

    Have fun Zid.

  • sizemik
    is this a thinly veiled lack of compassion toward the plight of others? or do you just think you're funny? . . . myelaine

    Neither . . . you obviously missed the point. Your choice. I'm used to it now.

  • ziddina

    Oh, crud...facepalm

    I am never going to make it through all 67 [currently] pages of this thread...

    FIRST of all, I cannot believe that people are seriously discussing that Johnny-come-lately, Middle-Eastern-male volcano 'god' of only 3,500 years' existence, as though 'he' were 'real'...

    "Like Einstein and Spinoza, I believe in a higher power that may not be a "personal" God in the traditonal sense, but, like all great mysteries of the universe, it's definitely out there in some form..." Agonus

    Ah, Agonus, Einstein's been mis-quoted many times, in a manner that seems to indicate that he wasn't an atheist... However, Einstein corrected that misperception after the mis-quotes began... He was an atheist; didn't believe in ANY 'god'...

    "Since we do not know whether consciousness continues on after death..."

    Sabastious, there's precious little solid, real evidence of "life after death"... By scientific or reasonable standards... Also, that belief system CONTRIBUTES to the idea that "we" don't have to do or cannot do anything - but "gawd" will "take care of" that person, after death...

    That belief negates the motivation to change things - after all, if a dead person goes to "be with gawd", then why prevent their death? They're going to a "BETTER" place...

  • ziddina
    "And again, why is there suffering? Because of OUR decisions.
    I'm sure there are variables that I cannot even think of. [tec]

    Yeah, there are variables you haven't even thought of, tec...

    And how!!

    Consider the cities of Armero and Chinchina, in Columbia, South America.... The founders of those cities picked out sites that seemed to be 'safe', built cities on the respective sites, but unfortunately for their descendants, the city founders knew absolutely NOTHING about volcanoes!!!

    Just like the Israelites knew absolutely NOTHING about volcanoes, as you can read for yourself by reading Exodus 19: 16-19, wherein Moses and the Israelites go to THE BOTTOM OF AN ERUPTING VOLCANO, because they thought it was THEIR GOD...

    And where the hell is a pyroclastic flow when you really need it??

    Anyhow, the ignorance of the citizens of Armero and Chinchina cost 20,000 to 24,000 lives and 1,600 to 1,800 lives, respectively, when their ignorance of volcanoes finally killed them, on November 13th, 1985, when the volcano at the head of the major river valleys, Nevado del Ruiz, erupted, melted glaciers on its flanks, which generated lahars - liquid mixtures of volcanic ash and dirt - which encased the towns in a mixture the consistency of quick-drying wet cement...

    Soooooo..... Let's hear your explanation of how "humans" "caused" that disaster, especially when the very writers of the bible weren't ANY better informed about the nature of volcanoes than those founding fathers who postioned their cities in the wrong locations - UNBEKNOWNST to them!!!


  • bohm

    zid --

    free will man to the rescue:

    if god had told them about the vulcanos, he would have intervened with their free will!

    thank you free will man!

  • N.drew

    If God told them about the volcanos they wouldn't understand what he was saying. What? Where?

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