An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wobble

    I don't know much about Theology either P.Sac, but I know home-spun wisdom when I see it, and I don't see a whole lot wrong with the Hitchsters reasoning.

  • lohengren
    I don't know much about Theology either P.Sac, but I know home-spun wisdom when I see it, and I don't see a whole lot wrong with the Hitchsters reasoning.


    And to answer the OP, no, it does not hold water. Next question please.

  • N.drew

    But if you run quick enough without sloshing you can bring some water from where to there.

  • PSacramento
    I don't know much about Theology either P.Sac, but I know home-spun wisdom when I see it, and I don't see a whole lot wrong with the Hitchsters reasoning.

    Other than the fact that, according to the very religion he is "attacking", God HAS been doing something about since the very beginning.

    He's just been doing it through US as opposed to forcing His will ON Us, something I am sure Christopher would be thrilled about if He did.

    I don't argue with Christophers reasoning because based on what he THINKS about religion, he is 100% correct in his reasoning.

    That doesn't make what he thinks correct though.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    AKJeff, I'm sending you a pm.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Myelaine, so much has been said in this thread that if you or I feel that a certain poster missed our excellent point, you are probably right.

    I am still not sure what you are trying to get me to understand here on page 65 but I will address some of what you said.

    ...God the Father can not be around sin, His holiness demands that WE would be destroyed

    By rejecting the Bible and not believing in God, I am also free of the religious and believers' idea of sin. But I understand it in the context of your argument. Still, you are limiting God to either not being able to answer prayers or choosing not to do so.

    I have consistently said throughout this thread that I will stick with the tsunami victims and I don't see how putting it upon each person to do the works that He or Jesus would do changes anything. Neither I nor you can prevent tsunamis.

  • myelaine

    dear still thinking...

    you said: "So why did God allow the evil one any sort of power in the first place? And if God doesn't hold much is he going to do anything about it?"...we are all given a certain amount of power over ourselves, if our "self" is more than our bodies, then we have control over our thoughts, which encompasses emotion, imagination and motivation etc....satan only has the power that we give him over us and our lives(thoughts included)...the opposite of this is true also...God only has the power in our lives that we give Him over our lives. "If he has allowed satan/the evil one or whatever you want to call him to do this to humans...what sort of god is that? But then, if he hasn't much sway...he has no control over satan/the evil one, in which case why put any faith in God if he is so powerless?"...we allow satan to do this to us by not fighting against him...we (generally) decide who we will allow to shape our thoughts and motives. the bible says that God allows satan to hold sway over the earth only for a while, during which time people decide who they will serve and thereby situate themselves in the "wheat" camp or the "tares" camp. putting faith in God and Jesus would place you in the "wheat" camp, so that in the harvest you aren't gathered and burned in the fire as "tares". that's why you put your faith in God and Jesus...matthew 13:30, (matthew 3:11-12)"So he created us...had no control over satan who misleads us, and then we have to be adopted by him once WE prove OURSELVES good enough?"...satan was given the same free will as we were...the bible says that he chose to rebel, it wasn't forced on him. it wasn't forced on those "angels" who choose to side with him either...I think you are misunderstanding the gospel message or purposefully twisting it in order to be contentious. the bible says that God declares that no man is righteous, so why would we then be asked to prove ourselves good enough? that "request" isn't in the bible. what is in the bible and what God wants from those who would be adopted as His children is the humility to admit that we aren't good enough to be in communion with a holy God...and to accept His provision for communion with Him, which would be the cleansing of our sin by the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ and the redemption of our bodies from the penalty of sin by renewal of the life giving Holy Spirit. "And its our fault isn't it?"...well, I don't think it is in satan's character to take the blame foryou, so yes, the choice of who you will serve is all yours. Mutual Assent: At common law, mutual assent is typically reached through offer and acceptance, that is, when an offer is met with an acceptance that is unqualified and that does not vary the offer's terms. The latter requirement is known as the "mirror image" rule. If a purported acceptance does vary the terms of an offer, it is not an acceptance but a counteroffer and, therefore, simultaneously a rejection of the original offer.

    dear OnTheWayOut...

    if mankind was in service to God and living wholly under God's protection and bounty natural occurances wouldn't be called disasters.

    love michelle

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Oh my! Here comes the 'Biblical proof' again.

    Those seeking to explain the world using those silly old Jewish fables, have been as diverse as Billy Graham, David Koresh, and the Jim Jones' suicide squad. History has shown that you can defend virtually any position you like using the Bible - or for that matter, the Koran.

    None of that debunks the orginal post on the subject at hand. It just muddies the water.


  • sizemik

    if mankind was in service to God and living wholly under God's protection and bounty natural occurances wouldn't be called disasters.

    Yeah . . . at the tsunami warning we'd be paddling out 40 miles . . . catching those 50m mothers and riding them all the way down the St Laurence, praising Jah, the great and mighty wave generator, for his goodness toward surfers.

  • Qcmbr

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