An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • poopsiecakes

    I had no idea that Atheists were responsible for sex trafficking...very interesting.

  • N.drew

    So read the book. Then come again to argue. What do you think?

  • N.drew

    Why do you all say stupid things? If atheism wins, history will look back and think HOW?

  • N.drew

    All the people are responsible. Read the book.

    Buy it. Or not. I like the author and I'm sure she will be thrilled to sell her book. I would. Would you?

  • TheUbermensch

    I'm sorry, did you just call me a dumbass? YOU? Calling ME a dumbass? I've read through your 32 pages of absolute shit (pardon the francais) posts you have offered, not addressing the issue. I asked you to address the issue and you insult me. Did I say I wouldn't give that up if it would stop human trafficking? You sick, abhorrence of an individual for accusing ME of being some sort of sexual fiend. I just said that giving it up wouldn't stop it, but if it WOULD of COURSE I would give it up, for life even. How DARE you have the AUDACITY of that accusation, you filth uttering swine, you whine about being offended and then call someone a dumbass and then utter this garbage. "So God should stop the hunger, but not the sex. Got ya!" Where in the hell did I even say that? Your assumptions make you look like more of a moron than you ever have, and you DEFINITELY have looked like one. Talk about offensive, assuming some trait or quality that I allegedly have without even knowing who I am, or what my moral values are, I would NEVER do the same to you.

  • EntirelyPossible

    How did I know someone would say that "It's not us buying the children for sex".

    You didn't because that's not what I said at all. It was an explanation of the swiss cheese quality of your analogy. I never said I didn't traffick in children for sex.

    If atheism wins, history will look back and think HOW?

    History will look back say "Thanks!"

    So God should stop the hunger, but not the sex. Got ya!

    I never said what God should do, either, was just showing the faults in the analogy.

  • N.drew
    @ I do believe you just accused atheists of taking part in sexual pleasure offered by trafficked youth.

    You should have gone back to your post to fix it. Am I talking to you? Only you? And I'm delusional?

  • N.drew

    OOPS And are you calling me delusional?

  • tec

    Oh, and another choice, Jeff... one that Shelby (peace to you) mentioned:

    God answers the prayers of those who belong to Him. He is not obligated to answer any other prayers, as he has not promised to answer any other prayers. Before someone jumps on the 'choosiness' of this, those who belong to Him (through His Son) would have His spirit. Their prayers should then come from a place of trust and love, for Him and for their fellow man.



  • EntirelyPossible

    Nah, he's not really like that, dear N.drew (the greatest of love and peace to you, girl!). Usually, it's when he's had a "child's portion" of whiskey the night before (or perhaps "recovering" from a "teenchie" adult portion today, dear EP? Peace to you, my bruh!). Look past all that, though, dear one... and you'll "see" a pretty cool guy.

    Aw, thanks Shel. Nah, when I wrote that I was stone cold sober, I had spent the day at the dentist and doing homework with my kids.

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