Here is the funeral talk outline. VERY discraceful.

by stillstuckcruz 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82

    Glad the firefighter got a decent funeral - in spite of being a JW.

    Saw this:

    Mickel's parents and widow attended the service at the former Tupperware auditorium.

    So the funeral was in a rented facility - makes sense, none of the activites described in the above article could have ever happened in a Kingdom Hall.

    I wonder if more and more JWs will opt for a non-KH funeral, so they can have a bit more leeway in the proceedings?

    That's the trend with JW weddings - I'd say less than half take place in a KH any more.

  • shadow

    Not in KH but Ianelli from Bethel spoke at it so eulogies, salutes, etc. were ok in this case

  • pixel

    And don't forget many will count the time and put it on the slip at the end of the month.

  • sir82
    Ianelli from Bethel spoke at it

    He's a big heavy in the Writing Dept. He's a very good speaker - I understand the "wait list", if you want to invite him to speak at your congregation, is many months or maybe even years long.

    Either (1) the family of the deceased is a big deal themselves, or (2) this case garnered significant media attention and the WTS PR dept. saw an opportunity to increase WTS prestige by looking compassionate and normal.

    My money is on option 2 - if he was from a rich JW family he'd have been working in the family business instead of being a firefighter.

    "Compassionate and normal" is not the 30 seconds alloted to reciting the deceased's baptism date and "special privileges", then moving on to an impersonal 30 minute sermon. So the WTS is allowed to break its own rules when the corporation can benefit.

    Why, what a surprise!

  • nowwhat?

    every funeral i have been in 30 years was 30 seconds about the deceased and the rest informercial-except one. there was a truly beloved brother well known in the area, so they had a rented out a hall, and his friends spent half the time talking and telling stories aboout him. but like anything else i'm sure most hardcore elders would insist on following the outline.

  • Emery


  • undercover

    The last JW funeral I went to, the speaker wandered away from the WT script somewhat. He did a pretty good job of talking about the actual deceased(aside from JW stuff). I was impressed early on. I think because there was a lot of non-JW family present, he felt the need to tailor at least part of the talk to appeal to them...or at least suck them into his confidence. That's where he was a sneaky bastard. We were all feeling warm and fuzzy about her experiences that he shared and then... he dropped the guilt bomb. Her favoritest thing to do in the world, according to him, was to talk to others about God and his promises for mankind. He then went into full WT mode, laying it on thick. Non-JWs may have felt like they were being preached to a bit too much to their liking, but all the dubs in attendence pretty much left feeling like they needed to step up their game a good bit in order to be accepted by Jehovah. Oh, he was good, no dobut about it. Too bad it was at the expense of someone's death that he was afforded the oppurtunity to further indoctrinate people.

  • happy@last

    I gave a funeral talk, the PO gave me the outline but I did my own, speaking all about the old person that had passed away, they'd had a very interesting life before becoming a JW. everyone after said how much they enjoyed it, some even requested that I give theirs when the time came! its not dignified or respectful to use the occasion as an advert for a religion.

  • joyfulfader

    one of my very best friends lost her 5 year old last fall and we were completely devastated...i was with her and her husband when he passed and i had to BEG the elder husband of the woman my friend is (unfortunately) studying with to just stop by (it was an f***ing meeting night)!!!!! then it was a nightmare for him to get "permission" to give the funeral talk of a child of a bible study. the talk was that exact outline with no warmth or concern. i was sooooo angry that i let them have it. my friend knows i no longer am a jw and loves me and accepts it completely. i am now in the process of helping her escape their clutches. i NEVER want a jw funeral for anyone i love because it is a load of sh*t. i do not curse but this brings out so much anger that i cant help it...

  • ambersun

    My mil was a very interesting, dynamic personality with many interests and talents and she lived life to the full. She was far from being dull or boring and although she had spent most of her life as a faithful JW she still made time for other interests including writing beautiful poetry! The elder who gave her funeral talk was a close friend who had known her for over 40 years and had so many personal memories of times spent in her company both at the meetings and at congregation get togethers that he could have talked for hours about her as a person. But no, he kept strictly to the WT outline, just talking about her devotion to the 'Truth', knocking doors and all the bible studies she had brought into the 'Truth'. Absolutely nothing about her as an individual other than being a wife and mother. Nothing else seemed to be worth mentioning apparently.

    It was interesting to note he left out the part about her becoming disillusioned and bitter during her final years as she never thought she was going to grow old and die in this system.

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