Here is the funeral talk outline. VERY discraceful.

by stillstuckcruz 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • outsmartthesystem

    Disgusting. Yet uber-dubs (if they could read the outline) would say..."isn't it a fine provision from the FDS?" Surely (insert name of dead love one) would have preferred to have been preaching right now if he could....therefore this type of outline if very befitting".


  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    It just goes to show how little the organisation genuinely cares for people. The outline states: "Doctrinal points can be presented as beliefs of the deceased."

    In other words; the Organisation will exploit whatever situation it can in order to push its sales message. It only cares about itself and any seeming appearance of love is feigned in order to achieve it's own agenda.


  • Joepublisher1

    Yup, it really bothers me that the WTS organization uses such a sad event to exploit "the dead members" in hopes that it can gain recruits (read: more donations). It's so inappropriate. They cease every opportunity to sell their religion to anyone who will listen. Funerals shouldn't be a time to market the religion of anyone, it's about the individuals life and those survivors who are grieving over the loss. The WTS is one of the coldest organizations that I know. Loyal JWs would disagree with that statement because they are SO BLINDED.

    If you even dare to express doubts about this religion and you do so publicly, you WILL be DF'd. Shunned. Why? Just because you can't swallow this crap anymore. I mean, crap is crap. And, once you learn the WTS's religion is crap, why would anyone continue to partake of it? (Of course, Jim Jones stands as an example of how religious leaders can make their followers swallow anything [i.e. poisoned kool-aid]. Think about how JWs swallow everything that this religion teaches, even when the WTS demonstrates time and time again that they never had the truth in the first place - thus, the need for CONSTANT changes to their doctrine!)

    I'm so thankful for the internet - it has allowed me to "see" with my own eyes what the WTS has always told me not to read/watch - and NOW I know why. There are so many things that expose this religion as a sham! Thanks to all those that have tirelessly and humbly exposed them! The WTS is in trouble - I see more and more people (many one-time loyal JWs) on the internet who have expressed disgust about things that they have learned about the WTS and who are speaking out (i.e YouTube). The number of exJWs continues to grow.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm so thankful for the internet - it has allowed me to "see" with my own eyes what the WTS has always told me not to read/watch - and NOW I know why.

    Excellent point, and welcome to all the new ones who have posted in this thread. The Internet is a tool of truth before which Borg lies cannot stand. They're scared to death of it and for good reason. It exposes them for the frauds they are. A good question to ask JWs is if everything found on the Internet about the Watchtower is Satanic lies, then why are they so afraid of letting JWs read it? Can't lies be defeated by truth easily? Are you all so weak in your faith that you can't handle the tiniest of false challenges to what you believe? The Bible says, "oppose the devil and he will flee from you," not, "flee from the devil because he opposes you." They don't avoid the Internet because they know it's false, they avoid it because they are afraid it's true.

  • stuckinamovement

    I recently had a family member of my wife's pass away. We went to the Memorial and the Hall was packed out. This person was in their 80's had a mess of kids and grandkids and was truly loved by many. They had an amazing life and touched the hearts of pretty much anyone they met. The memorial talk was given by an elder who's name has shown up on this board as being a "heavy". It was nothing but a history lesson of the kingdom growth in that geographical area and a recruitment pitch. Kids were not mentioned or the qualities of this amazing person.

    It was really just an excuse to brag about the organization to 300 something people. It showed me that once you become a Witness you sign your life over to a faceless organization that will forever more exploit your time, energy, money, reputation, and even death. How is it possible that an organization built on a lie can minimize your life, even at the very celebration of your life?


  • designs


    So true. I had 3 Congregation's BOE after me for giving a Eulogy instead of the Approved Outline.

  • ReallyTrulyAthena

    Utterly dehumanizing and deplorable. As others have said, it's one big informercial for them. They think this is a "fine witness"? Show some frickin' humanity!

    I'm half tempted to start making out my Last Will and Testament now should something like this happens to me. Seriously. No way in hell am I going to be eulogized in this fashion or my memories desecrated. Call me stubborn and prideful if you will, but there comes a time when you just have to say "enough".

    Hear, hear. I'm in serious consideration of this as well. I told my hubby (who was never a JW) that I will NOT have my family do anything like this to me and want this put into my Will. Perhaps I'm stubborn, prideful, who knows what, but the WTBTS had exerted control too much already in my life. Cremate me, hold a small ceremony and toss my ashes into the ocean. And then PLEASE, celebrate my life! Have a party! But my JW family will have no part of my funeral arrangements. Not that we currently talk all that much anyhow, what with me putting my foot down last year to their continued advances of "just come back to being a JW and we'll love you again" nonsense. So, it might be a moot point to putting a big "HELL NO" in my Will at this point, but ya never know.

    Hubby says that should family ever try to pull some nonsense like this, he'll "give them a fine witness", as he has a few choice words in mind. LOL! I'm sure he will.

    ~ RTA

  • mrquik

    Went to one this year. The elder had the balls to hold out "everlasting life" for the faithful. Evidently the deceased, as well as "millions now living" missed the boat. Total cold hearted sales pitch.

  • Joliette

    Very disrespectful. All about 'Jehovah' aka the watchtower, and not enough about the deceased.

  • Scully

    "The talk need not exceed 30 minutes."

    This is the part that just chaps my ass, every single time I read it. To think that someone who may have spent their entire life in servitude to this damn cult isn't worth a paltry 30 minutes or so of everyone's time, with the majority of it devoted to a farging Infomercial for the cult, is utterly insensitive, positively exploitive, overtly crass, disgusting and completely ungrateful.

    *wishes there was a spit-on-the-WT emoticon*

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