How Have you Counted your time for Pioneering?

by jehu or jehonadab 111 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    "Theres no getting around it"

    Of course there is, because the claim is so absurdly false. It is no different than a 9/11 Truther saying:

    "The U.S. government crashed the planes into their own buildings..Theres no getting around it"


    Of course there is, because the claim is so absurdly false.....Teary

    Tell you what GoofBall..I`ll throw you a bone..

    Hours for field service are faked all the time..If I didn`t report any..They would be made up..

    I would be told..You must have mentioned the truth sometime this month..

    I would say no..An hour would be reported anyway..

    Dishonesty is Built into the WBT$ system..

    Whether you have the ability to understand it or not..


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I was never a JW outlaw...I studied for years and was at the point of even though I wasn't officially a JW I can honestly say I was in my heart. I believed all their lies, I spent 10 Years believing thier bullshit. Going to meetings and having the mindset. (I have never been big on committing to anything so hense the time frame)

    When I started to question who they were, I ended up questioning everything, you know, like they tell you too....(joke!!!), what they really tell you is not to look at anything about them on the internet....and I was so brain washed by then I listened, like a good little sheep....they had already instilled the fear of truth....and made it out to be lies...Even when I would accidentally see something about them...I dismissed the information as smiting the good name of the witnessess.....I was shocked to discover they weren't what they made themselves out to be....I was truly like an episode of dumb and dumber.

    The backtracking, the wealth, property ownership, twisted bible teaching, UN involvement, the Somalia v Mexico issue, and on and on it went.

    I had already been so indoctrinated with their bullshit it shook my world. And now I am slowly unravelling the mess.

    I started reading this thread because it interests me, how the watchtower manipulates people and the helps me to unlearn their lies...and clear my head. But when I saw Tearys ridiculous posts I had to say something. Because even though I haven't pioneered, I can relate to how the watchtower messed with my mind...and I can, to an extent relate to why they would behave that way. Perfectly understandable in my opinion.


    Still Thinking..

    It`s all good..

    You have a much better understanding of JW Life than Teary will ever have..

    Be grateful you were never baptized..That would have complicated your escape..


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    For that I will be eternally grateful....I came so close to totally fu**ing up my life it scares me....The more I read on here...the more grateful I become...I really feel for everyone that was born into that shyte religion....and on a messed up childhood front...I understand that on a different level from different childhood experiences....probably what contributed to my getting involved with the witnessess in the first place.

    To me, Teary sounds as brainwashed as I was, I feel sorry for him on one hand, and irritated on the other. Hopefully he will see some sense and actually check out who the WTS are and their history...if he can look at it objectively instead of with rose tinted glassess on he may just be shocked at what he discovers.

  • MrFreeze

    Now that I'm no longer a JW, I have no reason to lie to people.

    I can guarantee you that there are a large amount of JW's currently living a lie, one way or another.

  • Quarterback

    Counting time in FS, is and will be a complicated thing. You could spend your whole day ringing door bells, and never finding any one home to speak with. That time gets counted. There are flaws, and loopholes with this counting system. For example, Reg Pioneers could get a credit on their time if they worked on some Kingdom Hall project.

    A good point was mentioned already that the Apostles didn't have a slip of paper, and never did have to count time. Counting time is a Micro-Managing ploy of the ORG. Positions such as A-Pioneer, Reg Pioneer/Spec Pioneers are all silly titles, and not terms used in early Christian times.

    Those that had a coffee break, and didn't preach to the waitress, and really used that time to refresh yourself in a cup of Java was fine in my books. But, that may not be the feelings and thoughts of others. Some that I worked with did act tense that were time conscious. They just made me feel uncomfortable. But, some that I worked with were ok with it.

  • Retrovirus

    The whole counting-time thing sounds like my early jobs - pay was by hours and you were paid less if you finished to quickly. Yes, I dawdled and since the time I took was quite comparable to others, no repercussions. Nor do I have any regrets. It was more important to me to bring home the most money for my children than to provide my employer with the best possible value.

    When I was paid by results - that all changed.

    If you believe in what you are doing and work with a passion, you cannot and don't want to cut corners. I see the blown-up hours reported as a sign of something wrong with the "service", not the people.

    Poor Teary.

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    "If you believe in what you are doing and work with a passion, you cannot and don't want to cut corners. I see the blown-up hours reported as a sign of something wrong with the "service", not the people."

    Your setences don't really follow each other.

    If you believe in what you are doing and work with a passion, you cannot and don't want to cut corners. Conversely, a person who does not believe in what they are doing and who does not have any passion for what they do will be very likely to lie and cut corners. This is indeed a "people" problem.

    I also believe that it is difficult to comment on the overall attitude of the current pioneers based solely on accounts from this board. That is like visiting that dairy farm that uses nothing but Brown Swiss cattle, and then making the assumption based off of your observations there that "All dairy cattle must be Brown Swiss Cattle" (which is of course, untrue).

    Although, Teary would go so far as to say that most current pioneers are probably very passionate and sincere about what they do (who would dedicate so much time if they weren't passionate and sincere?), and therefore generally do avoid cutting major corners according to the logic already presented. That is why the pioneers that Teary knows fight so hard to stay with it year in and year out, even when they don't have to. And when one of them is forced to quit because of health or other circumstances they have always seemed devestated and eager to get back to it once things are better.

  • sizemik


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