2 year old in China run over-people just walk by

by PaintedToeNail 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • PaintedToeNail

    When I saw this article on the news it really disturbed me. The callousness of the 'people' walking by this poor, sweet baby as she lay writhing in pain and all alone, was horrific to say the least. My blood truly felt like it ran cold and I've been thinking about this little girl all night. I'm hoping her grieving family will recover somewhat by this personal disaster and be able to relocate. To have to stay in a neighborhood where everyone couldn't have cared less about their daughter would be torment.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Poor little thing....that is dreadful...whats wrong with some people...I just don't know

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    Atheism at it's finest. What else would you expect from a country that has slave labor, forced abortions, the death penalty for using drugs, and a ban on reading the Bible. Human life has absolutely no value in the Godless Chinese culture.

    Video : http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzEzMDY4OTcy.html (Warning Graphic)

  • cantleave

    Nothing to sdo with Atheism. It is well documented Human behaviour.

  • lovelylil

    My daughter just told me about this. The thing is the chinese have no respect for women at all. Running over a girl child would be the same as running over a stray dog. In china they actually fine people who try to help others. The people are very cruel there.

    In one section of MA, there have been a lot of chinese immigrants in the past 10 years. And many complain at how rude they are. They will bump right into elderly people in the supermarkets, nearly knocking them over and will keep going without so much as an "I am sorry". Their kids are very rude too, and they spoil the boys treating them like kings while treating their daughters like slaves........I think the culture is mostly to blame but also they live in a dismal athiestic country where it is "survival of the fitest" so what do you expect?

  • finallysomepride

    poor little kid

    ponos, you are so full of crap

  • breakfast of champions
  • Mary

    I doubt it has anything to do with being atheist, as I've heard the same sort of stories happen in Canada and the USA. Human beings are strange creatures. We are capable of the most self-less and charitable acts, and we are also capable of the most selfish and heartless acts.

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    "I've heard the same sort of stories happen in Canda and the USA"

    BULLS**T!! There has never been a situation where a child laid bleeding to death in the street after being ran over 3 times and people look at the child and keep walking. If you're going to make a claim like that you better have something to back it up!

  • Mary

    It was years ago Ponos, so no I don't have the details and it wasn't a small child. It was someone who had fallen on the tracks waiting for the subway and no one helped the poor bugger up and he was killed when the train came along. It was either in Toronto or NY; I can't quite remember. I just remember that I was horrified that anyone could just stand there and do nothing.

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