2 year old in China run over-people just walk by

by PaintedToeNail 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Mary, I don't know if there is anything that can be done.

    charlie, thank you.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    The Kitty Genovese case is much quoted but the original premise is flawed. I will look up the study since it is incredibly recent and most psychology and law books do not yet contain the latest data.

    The "original premise"? It's a real case, not a logic problem.

    I read the article, and it's attack on the Genovese case is quite limited. It is questioning the contemporaneous media articles saying that '38 witnesses' did nothing, and that 'no one' called. Right in the abstract it states is conclusions: 1) there weren't 38 witnesses, 2) the witnesses didn't necessarily "witness" the murder, 3) some did call.

    My criminal casebook never asserted there were 38 witnesses, or that the witnesses saw the murder, or that no one called. I think you should read the quote I posted and compare the article.

    Some people saw 'a man standing over a woman who seemed to be beating her' and chose not to call. Did they in fact "know" that he was murdering her? Perhaps not. Does the fact that he was merely beating her excuse them? I think not! Does the fact that there were less than 38 make it better? I think not. And the casebook quote specifically mentions that the someone called...20 minutes into the attack.

    The authors of the article try to dismiss the late timing of the call by using sheer conjecture and seeking to shift the blame to police. They have no evidence to support that police didn't answer the phone; they merely state that 911 didn't exist and claim--without supporting evidence--that police didn't like to answer the phone. They have the statement years later of a boy who was 15 years-old at the time saying that a parent called. Again, the casebook doesn't say that NOBODY called.

    Regardless, it is still a tragic case of people refusing to help, or timely call for help, when they witnessed a violent, criminal act, and the article does nothing to debunk that conclusion.

    In light of that, I find it incredibly offensive that these authors continue to frame her murder as a "story" and a "myth" that needs to be debunked. Intellectual honesty dictates that the "parable of the 38 witnesses" should be corrected, but unfortunately, how they have written their story will tend to mislead people (such as yourself) into believing the whole incident did not happen.

  • nugget

    noone doubts this was a real event nor that the lady was indeed strangled and raped as she lay dying none of that is questioned. She was a real person. The newspaper reports at the time focused on the fact that 38 people were said to have been witnesses and did nothing not that a woman was raped and strangled. This was the mythology around the case not the violence done to the poor woman who died. By shifting the focus to the bystanders we lose both the victim and the perpertrator. Moseley who was looking for any woman to kill and Kitty who was that victim.

    At the time when these events occurred violence against women was not treated as seriously as it is now and there was not a tendancy to intervene. Various studies at the time formed hypothesis about why that was so. The feminist movement in the seventies raised awareness of issues relating to violence against women and framed part of our susceptibilities today. The original focus and investigation into bystander intervention was seeking to explain the events in more general terms because that was the way research was driven at the time.

    Again with this chinese girl we have lost the victim by focusing on why others did nothing for her. whilst that is horrendous and heartbreaking it is a 2 year old at the centre of the tragedy we are in dangar of pointing fingers and laying blame whilst we ignore the little girl in the middle. Why was she alone? why was she not being supervised? why could she be run over several times and still no one came looking for her? And why did someone feel it was acceptable to drive over a child and not stop and investigate what had snared his back tyres?

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    By shifting the focus to the bystanders we lose both the victim and the perpertrator

    That's a false choice fallacy, the same false-choice presented in the paper that you cited.

    This thread is an excellent example of people NOT losing sight of the victim. We are discussing and examining all the issues you stated: Where were the parents? Why did the driver leave? Etc. Bystander liability is but ONE of the things discussed.

    The newspaper reports at the time focused on the fact that 38 people were said to have been witnesses and did nothing not that a woman was raped and strangled. This was the mythology around the case

    Did you read my response? Intellectual honesty dictates that the "parable of the 38 witnesses" should be corrected, but unfortunately, how they have written their story will tend to mislead people (such as yourself) into believing the whole incident did not happen.

  • botchtowersociety

    Bystanders rescuing a man trapped under a burning car in Logan, Utah. Enough of them got together to actually lift a large automobile off the ground!


  • james_woods
    Various studies at the time formed hypothesis about why that was so. The feminist movement in the seventies raised awareness of issues relating to violence against women and framed part of our susceptibilities today.

    What the hell? Society had little awareness of the problem of violence against women until the feminist movement of the seventies???

    Not only does that reek of an agenda, but it is complete BS.

  • PaintedToeNail
  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    I think she might mean that there were few laws protecting women from violence until the feminist movement. Of that, she is correct. Men had decades in in which they were in power and could have passed these laws...if they had cared. So, the feminist movement should get credit where credit is due.

    It was amazing watching the faces of the mid-20 year-olds in criminal law as we took a march through the cases from the 70s, 80s, AND even 90s. They didn't realize how unprotected women were then.

  • botchtowersociety

    There is more than a little female on male violence, or so I've read. If you saw my mother in law, you would understand.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    She died. : (


    (CNN) -- A 2-year-old Chinese girl -- who was ignored after being hit by two cars last week, later sparking a fierce debate about the state of China's morals -- has died, a nurse at a military hospital said.

    Wang Yue died about 12:32 a.m. Friday, according to officials at the Guangzhou Military Hospital, in Guangzhou.

    "Her little life has left this world," said Su Lei, director of intensive care unit at the hospital. "We feel deep pain and shame as everybody does."

    Video captured by a nearby security camera showed a pair of drivers, one after the other, hitting Yue, in Foshan in Guangdong Province. More than a dozen people walked, cycled or drove past the toddler as she lay bleeding in a busy market.

    The girl was eventually rescued by a 58-year-old scavenger, who pulled her aside and tried to get help.

    China: Hit-and-run video sparks outcry

    Good Samaritan laws in China

    The toddler's mother, Qu Feifei, later said her daughter was in critical condition at a hospital, with her brain showing little activity despite earlier subtle movements in her lower body.

    The video footage sparked a global outcry about the state of morality in China's fast-changing society. That included generating a flurry of activity on Sina Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter, and spurring a "Stop Apathy" online campaign.

    Two government offices in Guangdong province, where the hit-and-run occurred, offered the Good Samaritan, identified as Chen Xianmei ,a total of 20,000 yuan (US $3,135), according to state-run Xinhua news agency.

    The young girl's mother has said she did not understand the behavior of the passersby, but wanted to focus on the positive.

    "Granny Chen represents the best of human nature," she said of her daughter's rescuer. "It's the nicest and most natural side of us."

    On Sina Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter, the story was the No. 1 topic this week, at one point generating more than 4.5 million posts along with a "stop apathy" online campaign.

    As the outrage over morality continued, a steady procession of well-wishers pours in, offering gifts, money and support to the toddler's family.

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