2 year old in China run over-people just walk by

by PaintedToeNail 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lore
    It was years ago Ponos, so no I don't have the details and it wasn't a small child. It was someone who had fallen on the tracks waiting for the subway and no one helped the poor bugger up and he was killed when the train came along. It was either in Toronto or NY; I can't quite remember. I just remember that I was horrified that anyone could just stand there and do nothing.

    That sucks. I think I remember that story.

    But I don't think it's quite as bad. . . for 3 reasons:

    1. A small helpless child in danger should evoke a more powerful emotional response from people than an adult drunk guy in danger because of his drinking.

    2. There was a geniune risk of danger for anyone trying to help the drunk off the tracks. They could get hit at any time as well. With the little chinese girl, there was no risk, they just should have helped.

    3. There was a crowd of people at the subway. I know this sounds counterintuitive but that actually makes people LESS likely to help. Everyone assumes someone else who is braver or more qualified is going to do something. But if you are alone on the street and see an injured person either YOU help them, or nobody does.

    So that's what makes this case so much worse in my opinion. Each of the people who passed her were deciding to let her die.

    But each of the people at the subway probably just had to much faith in the rest of the crowd.

  • Mary

    I don't think the guy was drunk Lore; but I agree that walking by a small child like that is probably worse. Either way, it makes you wonder WTF is wrong with some people.........

  • botchtowersociety

    This makes me so angry I want to explode.

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos


    You are comparing apples to oranges. It is extremely dangerous for a normal citizen when no equimpment or training to go on an active subway track and attempt to lift a 200 pound human safety. That should only be attempted by a professional. I'm sure someone called for help. In this situation there was no risk in helping this little girl.

  • botchtowersociety
  • NomadSoul

    So I guess the parabole of the good Samaritan that is found in the Bible involved an atheist? And you could also tell by looking at a video that those people were atheists?

    I got two WTFs out of this thread, the actual footage and PP's posts.

  • james_woods
    BULLS**T!! There has never been a situation where a child laid bleeding to death in the street after being ran over 3 times and people look at the child and keep walking. If you're going to make a claim like that you better have something to back it up!
    It was years ago Ponos, so no I don't have the details and it wasn't a small child. It was someone who had fallen on the tracks waiting for the subway and no one helped the poor bugger up and he was killed when the train came along. It was either in Toronto or NY; I can't quite remember. I just remember that I was horrified that anyone could just stand there and do nothing.

    There was another case (I believe in NYC) where a woman was raped and stabbed to death while people watched from nearby buildings and did nothing to help her.

    An episode of the TV series Law & Order was based on that story.

    It happens from time to time in all society. I would make two points:

    1) - I doubt that this is the normal for behavior in China, not any more than it is the normal behavior in NYC. Otherwise, it would not be news, right?

    2) - I think it is truly ridiculous to blame this on "atheism". Expanding on this crazy notion would lead a person to believe that athiests could become wanton murderers whenever the mood strikes them. Atheists have morals and standards of behavior just like everyone else - some good, some bad, but only a very small minority who are completely evil or amoral.

  • tenyearsafter

    When I was in China, the one thing I noticed was that people would avoid eye contact when you walked in the streets and act as if they are in a "bubble"...as to traffic, it is pedestrian beware! I think that the cities are so crowded that people lose their connection to others, and it becomes a self preservation issue. It is very sad that they would just walk by...and even worse, was the subsequent drivers running over the injured child...disgusting. What struck me was that the ones ignoring the child were men...not until a woman saw her did she get any attention. Makes me ashamed for my fellow males in that part of the world.

  • NomadSoul

    And another question, where the hell was the mother?

  • N.drew

    I think god belief or lack of it does apply. I was taught "Jesus loves me" and as I came to understand it, Jesus loves everyone. That makes a huge difference on how we treat every other person. By what I hear about being Chinese, the subconsious of the men going by might have told them "I would rather be dead, poor child, then live any longer like that, a female and disabled." I still believe it is bad what they did, I'm only giving reason why I think so. The other vehicle running over her probably did not know what it was (no excuse either). And the mother? She is about the last person I would wish to be right now. But I love her.

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