Criminal , new US ally

by Norm 125 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    lol I learned my lesson Focus...if I don't agree with you...I just turn and run!

    Xena (Scared of Focus Class)

  • bboyneko
    You think the U.S. is a bully?, don't tell us man! Tell the other governments of the world to stop groveling and sucking the tits of the U.S.!!! Tell the other governments of the world to get their act together. Then maybe the "bully" won't be asked to do it for them!

    ummmmm...99% of the time no one asks the US for help, the US just decides to go and help without being asked, and again, 99% of the time they screw things up so badly it would have been better if they just minded their own damn business.

    How much longer do you think before the various factions of the Northern Alliance starts their civil war all over again and millions more afghanis die?

    The rest of the world is begging the US to mind its own business, stay out of its affairs and let them be. Very different from groveling at tits.

  • IslandWoman


    That is hypocrisy.

    The U.S. can be accused of almost every sin imaginable I suppose, except one; being unique in the kinds of sins it has committed. Today the U.S. is the present world power, when Rome held that place it too committed sins on a grand scale but like the U.S., it probably invented no new ones.

    The world has many problems and the U.S. along with almost every other country has contributed in one way or another to those problems but what's needed are solutions not stone throwing! Sure we are big, we therefore cause big problems when we act wrongfully, but we also have at times helped to fix big problems. We take big, we also give big. Isn't that why some of our newly acquired "friends" stick around? Hypocrisy is a diplomatic tool which no country I believe can claim to be totally innocent of.


  • Focus

    Xena wrote:

    lol I learned my lesson Focus...if I don't agree with you...I just turn and run!
    Xena (Scared of Focus Class)

    Is that a demonstration of the same fine bravery, moral fiber and fighting skills that won such a convincing ""victory"" against the communists in Vietnam?

    And while so doing succeeding in actually making the murderous Viet Cong less--hated than the American "liberators"?

    Or has someone lost their rag, Xena?

    And on to another history lesson for the Jerry Springer Class, the Illiterate Class, the Idiotic Class, the Imbecilic Class and the Sundry Sheep Class:

    One country was FAR more responsible than any other for the defeat of Nazism. That is was ALSO a reluctant entrant into the conflict (and, additionally, had been content to divide the pie with the Nazis) is irrelevant to that fact. And THAT COUNTRY WAS THE SOVIET UNION.

    So, if any single country deserves the "prize", it is the U.S.S.R. More accurate to view things as a joint effort, and to forget the rather SORDID way in which both the U.S.S.R and the United States entered WW2....

    Freeman, learn to think and express yourself in English before pontificating about speaking German. You are a loud-mouth, an ignoramus and an idiot. I demonstrated your crass stupidity before. And you apologized for your folly. This time, I may not be so gentle. Idiotic jingoism such as you demonstrate here underpins attitudes that lead to and have led to the death of hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, at the hands (albeit usually indirectly) of a "superpower with a great deal of strength, sadly rather less morality, ethics and principles, a lot less common-sense, precious little appreciation of history AND AN ENORMOUSLY SMALLER QUANTUM OF MATURITY.

    So run along, now, and save your magnificence for those less able to read and think - and lest I start analyzing your dozens of blunders ejaculated stupidly into this thread alone. Have some shame.

    For fine American values, ask the Native Americans all about it. Or did you learn your history from The Patriot?

    To all: I apologize for not being more direct. Nothing above should make you think I do not respect as much as is possible the opinions and views of Freeman and the other members of the Common Jerk Class who have eructated here.

    (Truth hurts... So What?? Class)

  • Xena
    Or has someone lost their rag, Xena?

    beginning to understand why the name Focus....

    Xena of the Slow but Steady Class

  • Focus

    IslandWoman wrote:

    The U.S. .. We take big

    I take it you were here referring to the wilful squandering of the earth's resources, the wholesale destruction of the world's environment, the polluting and asphyxiating of the globe, and the selfish use of non-renewable energy and other resources at per capita levels several times in excess of the mean for the rest of the "developed" world (and shamefully dozens, even hundreds of times higher than that of the "developing" world)...

    Quite bright of you, IslandWoman.

    "big"..... Yeah. Apt! You are so succinct!

    Yeah, when History looks back with the perspective of the mandated fifty years, perhaps those surviving members of the present Plain-Dumb Class, the Pig-Ignorant Class and the Head-in-the-Sand Class will still be amazed to see that the evil Nazis, Commies, Moslems [insert favorite U.S. media hate group here] are not viewed as the worst global villains of the post-1914 era...

    Tragic. Truly tragic. Shame about the kids, the meek, the ... They ain't going to inherit very much, aside from the Kingdom of Heaven.

    patio34 wrote:

    To begin with how would you feel, Norm, if there were several posts about how rotten, etc., Norway is?

    My emphasis. Doofus, you have your Scandinavian countries confused. I realize that bits of the world not in thrall of the Bush-baby don't count, but to forget the counsel of Marcellus (Act I, Scene IV, Hamlet) demonstrates unforgivable ignorance - even for a fellow American:
    "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."

    Perhaps we should leave the absurd Spokesperson for the U.S., Space Jerk Freeman with the last word:

    Freeman wrote:

    Yeah, a pretty super summary of how the States views the planet. And treats it.

    Thanks for sharing. We understand. And feel ashamed for your shameless arrogance, ignorance, crassness, idiocy and stupidity.

    (Vote for the Great Satan! Class)

  • IslandWoman


    The rest of the world is begging the US to mind its own business, stay out of its affairs and let them be.

    They need to scream that out! They need to tell that to the American people themselves. Believe me if they did, Americans would demand to know why their government is giving so much of our money and military aid to governments that really don't want it! What a waste!

    This could be the greatest political scam of all time! Maybe all these years the U.S. Government has been stealing away our supposed foreign aid money into private Swiss bank accounts!!

    This is bigger than Watergate!!

    Seriously though, I would be very much in favor of minding our own business, as long as it also meant minding our own military with the exception of the countries I mentioned in my first post. It's rather embarrassing to have stayed too long as an invited or worse uninvited guest! I'm with you, the U.S. should crawl back to its own hole and let the world live its own happy life!

    Many Americans would love to see that happen because we also kind of get tired of the rest of the world from time to time.


  • IslandWoman


    I take it you were here referring to the wilful squandering of the earth's resources, the wholesale destruction of the world's environment, the polluting and asphyxiating of the globe, and the selfish use of non-renewable energy and other resources at per capita levels several times in excess of the mean for the rest of the "developed" world (and shamefully dozens, even hundreds of times higher than that of the "developing" world)...

    A+ Focus. "I am big, therefore I eat like a pig!", is the sad situation at the present time.


  • DanielHaase

    Hell, after all that, I don't know what to add. Right on, Focus!!

    "Brother, you better get down on your knees and pay...a thousand more fools are being born every f***ing day" -Bad Religion
  • Prisca

    Freeman said:

    That said; you should know that we here in America are a bit sensitive these days; some of us believe we are fighting for our very survival. Many of us expect a much more devastating attack then 9-11, possibly quite soon.

    Don't you wonder why? Don't you wonder why, a Saudi whose country has had friendly relations with the US in the past, suddenly turns on the US? Why did so many of the hijackers come from Saudi Arabia?

    If you don't want a repeat of 9/11, then America needs to wake up and accept responsibility for its wrongs, and vow to never repeat them.

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