A Woman, A Woman - Oh What Can She Be?

by LoneWolf 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AGuest

    Forgive me, dear N.drew (peace to you, chile!), but why is it "cat fighting"? I always thought cat-fighting is when women get unnecessarily "b*tchy", which I don't see here, even from dear MG (peace to you!). Silliness, yes... frustration (from MG), yes... but not...

    Well, now, wait... Maybe there was a little bit of what others deem to be "cattiness" (b*tchiness) in her comments, but I don't think she meant to be, but only to fervently assert her position (which caused her to sound silly, to me, not catty). Even though I don't agree with it...

    Well, if that is the case, that there was cattiness (I'm really not sure!)... then I apologize to dear Twitch (but stand by my question as to why women ARE considered "catty" when they show frustration in their discussions, but men aren't...).

    Sorry, dear Twitch (peace to you!), if I wrongly called you out. I was confused (still am, really), but if others think there was cattiness... well, maybe there was and I just don't/didn't see it that way...

    Peace to you all!

    SA, on her own...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Personally I didnt see any cattiness....just misunderstanding and maybe slightly misplaced passion.

    I agree with many of MG's points...just not about this thread. I am sure MG has many valid reasons for feeling the way she does.

  • N.drew

    Boys are dogs, girls are cats. That's all I have to say about that.

    Somewhere down the line there I thought of cats hissing, with the fur all puffed up.

    My cat is an indoor cat since we got her as a kitten. We have a dog too. Once kitty got out

    and when she came rushing back in behind The Gabster she was all puffed up like a porcupine.

    It was so cute!

    I hope I am correct in saying no poster was harmed in the posting of this thread!

    It was top ten in my book! Thank you Shelby!

  • meangirl

    Goodnight says meangirl as she licks her paws and wounds. Will this thread go down in history? I am a newbie here. It has been interesting. Despite all the name calling and differences I am glad it is ending on a positive note. I wish everyone here only the best. I MEAN that, I really do! he he

  • Twitch

    Shelby, no sense of humour tonight? Sarcasm is not without it's risks, eh? Apology accepted :)

    Well, if I was a part of derailing this thread to some degree, I guess it ain't a bad thing...

  • LoneWolf

    Hi, Peeplezs!

    Yu wimmen are strange critters some times. Somethin' just happened thet has me puzzled big time, an' I thought I'd run it by sum experts like you an' hopefully yu can give me some advice and suggestions.

    It started yesterday mornin'. Linda fixed my breakfast, served it up with a flourish, then jumped in the car and went to town. I didn't think much of it, because it was all pretty much business as usual.

    She came back in a few hours, looked at me with a sheepish look, and said, "I have to tell you something."

    "Aha!" I shot back. "Yu got a ticket, didn't you?"

    Her head came up with a triumphant look in her eyes. "No, I didn't!" There was a pause while a big grin covered her face, then continued. "In fact, I've changed my mind. I'm not gonna tell you after all!"

    Now this is familiar territory for me. If I start pumping her about what it was, I'd be lucky to find out within six months, if ever. On the other hand, if I leave it well enough alone, it will only be a short while before either her conscience makes her tell, or she'll tell me out of sheer curiosity to see what my reaction will be. Therefore, I just gave her a knowing grin, drawled "Okaayyyy." And changed the subject.

    Sure enough, it worked. A little while ago she called me in the kitchen. "Remember yesterday when I was going to tell you something and then changed my mind?"


    "An' you thought I'd gotten a ticket?"


    "Well, it actually happened while I was fixing your breakfast before I went to town. I was shredding potatoes for your hashbrowns when I got my knuckle too close and shredded part of my knuckle too." She grinned and showed it to me. There was a chunk of hide missing that was about a sixteenth of an inch square.

    Then she continued with a grin: "I don't know where it went." She didn't have to say much more. That chunk of skin would be almost the exact shade of the pile of shredded spuds under it. She didn't want to throw the good potatoes out, and she didn't want to start over. Therefore she scraped them all together, threw them in the frying pan and fixed my breakfast.

    So, folks, here are my questions:

    1. I think she's trying to send me a message, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is. Can you help? 2. Now that it appears that I've eaten part of my wife, does that make me a canny-bal?

    I mean, I know she worships me, 'cause she's given me burnt offerings before, but this seems like a bit much.

    Please help.

    Turrible Tom

  • N.drew

    Hi Tom! What are you saying? Where did she go?

    Skin falls off all the time.

    Think of it as the blood cells that remain in the roast that you eat, if you eat meat.

    I think we (well, I can just speak for myself) are sorry for the fighting over you.

    I'm sorry dear! God bless Linda. She fixed your breakfast?

  • mrsjones5

    Why did she leave the house?

  • N.drew


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    The two of you are now one.....It's in the Bible...LOL LOL

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