London Riots

by leavingwt 143 Replies latest social current

  • Curtains

    well you certainly are a demon of stupidity bohm.

    btw you have some double irony going on with your avatar haven't you? are you really that stupid? or do you think I am that stupid?

  • bohm

    well you certainly are a demon of stupidity bohm.

    btw you have some double irony going on with your avator haven't you? are you really that stupid? or do you think I am that stupid?

    uhm... totally going apeshit about a joke which had nothing to do with you.... on a topic about a bunch of youths going apeshit about something which has nothing to do with them...

    Category: meta.

  • Curtains

    I'm quite serene bohm but I'm not interested in any category: 2+2=4 arguments, no thanks - bye bye bohm.

  • bohm

    Curtains: Just so you understand where i am coming from. The joke had absolutely nothing to do with you at all. it was not meant at your expense, you are aware of that right?

    But you are still angry with me because you think i am very stupid in general (for something unrelated to this thread) and felt this was a good occation to tell me because i happened to quote you?

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    BRITS......David Cameron PM is making an emergency live statement regarding riots at 11AM on SKY NEWS, Channel 501...rumours of the Army getting involved and reducing police numbers.


  • LouBelle

    That is one hellofa disturbing clip - those kids are f*king disgussting. It pisses me off to see young people take such blatent advantage of a helpless person. Those kids will grow into adults thinking that doing that is right and then breed like bloody street rats and pass their f*ked up ideals onto their spawn and so on and so forth.

    I have absolutely no respect for humans like that!

  • punkofnice
    punkofnice's beyond sickening.

    To the Dubs (my dub family were talking last night in front of me), they think it's 'what Jesus said would happen!'

    Where he said this I don't know but now the earthquake thing is old news, these riots are proof to them the END IS SOON!!!!!!!!*

    *(Terms and conditions apply and are subject to 'overlapping' or ‘New Light’TM or which ever makes the GB look like God!)

  • hamsterbait

    Since the crash, we have seen the rich and polititians looting the economies of the world for their own selfish gain.

    They are trashing the lands of other people for their own coffee, commodities, resources, oil and gas profits.

    In Britain the representatives of the people are milking the expenses system till it bleeds.

    If you live in a palace and get millions from the taxpayer, you are Royalty and on the civil list. if you live in the projects and get a tiny handout, you are called a scummy parasite.

    There is nothing the British ruling class possesses that wasn't stolen from somebody, either by exploitation, killing or legalised theft.

    The upper classes in the Uk have set the example, should they be surprised others are following it? This is exactly what Confucius says happens in these situations.


  • Heartofaboy

    Will the dubs be as joyful over this as I am or down cast as it proves there ARE GOOD PEOPLE in 'this old world'

    These people are 'sighing & crying over the detestable things happening on the Earth' & doing something about it.....They're NOT feeling gleeful

  • leavingwt

    Heartofaboy: That's awesome!

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