Maximum Damage to the WT.

by Essan 52 Replies latest forum tech-support

  • Knowsnothing
    I'd love to see such a wiki on Steve Hassan's "" domain with contributions from all over the ex-cult spectrum.

    I've noted too, that Hassan's website could do with chart comparisons. There isn't much info on his site on why JW's are problematic. He also has many broken and, in my opinion, useless links. He doesn't even link here!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    It's such a great domain name that I hate to see it wasted like it is. I'm sure he doesn't have a bunch of time - nor the webmaster background - to maintain it personally. But if he's paying someone, he isn't getting his money's worth. That site could be GOLD for the cult education movement with a talented webmaster and contributions from others, both professional and laymen.

  • Mickey mouse
  • Nickolas

    I think it would be more useful and practical to exist alongside ex-Mormons, ex-Scientologists, ex-Moonies, etc. under an overall ex-Cult (or whatever other name you want to call it) umbrella.

    My thoughts, too. What you are describing, Essan, is appealing to me but it edges a bit too close to being perceived or denounced as organised hate because it embraces the single focus of bringing down the Watchtower. The Society would be expected to take the position that it is being singled out and persecuted for its heart-felt religious beliefs and its lawyers would seek to quash it on that basis. A more holistic approach, one that seeks to free individuals and families from all manner of cultish organisation, would be much more difficult to undermine and more likely to win wider acceptance from the population at large.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Somedays I wonder what would happen to the WTBTS if they lost their tax-exempt status.

    It's time for ALL religions to lose the tax-exempt status! They are just BIG BUSINESS disguised as charity.

  • designs

    If you stood outside most Churches and places of worship with Placards and Banners the way people demonstrate outside of JW Conventions you would see the same type of mental walls go up. Humans get defensive with things they cherish. Information needs to be freely accessible, that's one part of deprograming, the other is the inner workings of the individual putting all of the pieces together.

  • AwareBeing

    The problem that a lot of us have is that when we went to religious meetings,

    it formulated in our minds that we were in the "one true church."

    But we realize that the GB was a discussion and prayer group, and the

    apostles taught or traveled; the true Cong. is about "fear of God."

    Any religion that's about false teachings, money or control; hasn't God's backing.

    So if we're serious about helping others like us, then we should become part of

    a group "worship"; not of men, Ecclesiastes, or corporations, but of YHWH.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    The first thing you must have is a benefactor. Someone who has the capital just like Russell had when he started out. He had a lot of experience running an organization/business which contributed to the success of starting a religion which was popular among the masses during that day.

    We have the numbers. We just need someone with money to burn and the know how to start and run the "business" or "community organization." (Obama will be out of a Job soon maybe....well I digress)

    Several have risen out of the sea of ex-jws to become purveyors of the real truth. They have become defacto leaders. They have taken all of the heat as it were. But we need someone who has money and/or the experience to organize.

    Only then will an organization be possible to combat the Watchtower head on. I am of little means and faded but I would definitely contribute to a bonafide organization that had a legit management structure and location by which all ex-jw inquiries could be made and responded to by the general public and media.

    They would be able to handle within a formal corporate structure the dissemination of information from the collective ex-jw community. There are enough of us to contribute even small amounts to put together an effective response to all things "borg."

    But it has to be birthed through one or a precious few. They have to have the experince it takes and the collateral to create the appearance that they are legitimate and poised for success. Only then would I send some money their way.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think what you describe, M-T-M, is precisely the sort of organization many of us would like to avoid.

    We like our freedom and autonomy. We just need an information clearinghouse, IMO. That takes a little leadership but not necessarily a lot of money.

    Mickey mouse, thanks for the link to the earlier brief discussion of a WT wiki. Pirata had a good idea that I would have liked to see explored further. At this point the link to the site he created is dead.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me


    As long as you don't have some sort of reputable ombudsman to speak for the majority you will all be free to express your own opinions. Unfortunately when all are expressing their opinions at the same time no one hears a thing except static noise.

    Autonomy for all who don't want to be known can happen in a structure. Just look at GE for example, I know Jeffery Immelt is the CEO but who is his second in command? I have no idea. (Some would say Obama, again I digress)

    But for those who don't mind being out there in the lime light, let them be a mouth piece for the majority of us.

    The internet will make the headway for several years to come as people begin to use it more for credible information about whatever subject they want info on. But to really make inroads into the demise of the WTBTS then a structured resistance must be formed.

    We are a rag tag bunch of soldiers who have no direction trying to go up against a well oiled military whose foot soldiers could scatter us anytime they wanted. Those of us who are trying to stay "in" for the sake of family or other reasons could be hunted down via savy internet tech sluething. We all know this.

    But what I think the WTBTS knows is that might just spark a formal rebellion.

    A clearing house is fine, but more will be needed in the future. Someone with some clout will have to emerge to be a spokesman and play within the rules of the media to get the airtime needed.

    Money is the answer, talented people who know what they are doing cost money, effective campaigns cost money, court battles cost money, professional looking websites cost money, money is what makes the world go around.

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