Who wants to help put together the ultimate Watchtower Index Wiki?

by pirata 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pirata

    Presenting: wtindex.info

    There are a great deal of watchtower publication references available on a number of sites, and on this forum, but it takes a lot of searching, digging, and reading to find them.

    I have put together a wiki that currently catalogs:

    1) Subject references for Watchtower Publications (from 1800s to present), in an organized and clear way.

    2) The sources of quotations (with context) used in watchtower publications

    This is intended as a resource that will be of use to both JWs and non-JWs. The intention of the site is to provide a "forest view" of beliefs and development of beliefs in a no-nonsense manner. The collaborative aspect will, I hope, help keep the site up to date and make it a very comprehensive resource. This is not meant as a replacement for sites like jwfacts.com; it is meant to be more of a "raw resource" to provide materials for study, commentary, essays, posts, etc. No quotations of Watchtower publications (copyright issues), nor personal commentary are permitted.

    If you're interested in contributing, please send me a PM and I can set you up with a secure login and editing instructions.

    At least initially, I may need to limit response to those who have been posting here for a while and have an ability to present information in an organized and objective manner. I'm open to suggestions and would love to hear any ideas you may have in regards to expanding the scope of the site.


    PS. I "seeded" the current wiki with some content, but it is still a work-in-progress. It needs a lot more information, as well as continual organization of information for maximum clarity. It's very plain right now and could probably use a bit of improvement on that side as well.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    I just browsed briefly and like the way you've organized things so far. You'll probably get some naysayers claiming its redundancy as respects other sites but that goes with the territory you're entering.

    It sounds like a huge task but if you've got the vim and vigor, I say go for it. We need as many ways to enlighten as possible.


  • doubtful


    What you started here was great. I would love to see an index of all the dishonest or misleading quote mining from the WT. Another thing that would be great would be an index of all the changed doctrine and doctrinal flip-flops.

  • pirata

    I returned PMs with setup instructions for those that PMd me.

    Also added an internal forum for registered users to make it easier to collect links and references by category before organizing them on the wiki.

    @FatFreek 2005, thanks for the feedback. The main selling point is that the community aspect will hopefull help keep the site up to date and extremely comprehensive (much like JWN thrives on community).

    @doubtful: If you click on the "Sources in Context" link, I've started putting together a page for quotations used by WT, showing their source and their context. Whether they are dishonest or misleading will be left up to the reader :) It will also show the sources of these quotes and their religious affiliation (if any). The main index will show changes in doctrine over time, though I'm not specifically labelling it as such.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You didn't reply to me.

  • pirata

    Ack! Sorry about that Nathan Natas. I remember typing it up, but I was doing a lot of Window flipping at the time and looks like I did not send it. You should see it now.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas



    Never mind.

  • pirata

    My apologies again. I checked my "sent PMs" and did not see the previous ones in there. I sent one more, and double checked the sent PMs and it is indeed in there.

  • Satanus

    It's satan, err, jay hoover sabotaging things, like he did at the nimrod's office tower.


  • pirata

    It's satan, err, jay hoover sabotaging things, like he did at the nimrod's office tower.

    I was wondering why my laptop was flying around the room, making it very difficult to type... ha ha. j/k.

    Turns out it was actually user error . My screen was not scrolled down far enough to see the "send" button at the bottom, so I was clicking on the "sent messages" button at the top (which for some reason my brain was reading as "Send message"). Doh!

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