I don't get these women!

by serenitynow! 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    The problem is, that for a JW, most, if not all of their identity is wrapped up in being a JW. They put that even above their children. Once that bond is gone with their significant other, what is left?

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Just as a prisoner is subjugated by the feeling of a rifle muzzle prodding into their backs, fear of losing your children & spouse because of the ideals of a cornball religiously-themed publishing company is often a powerful incentive to "stay in line".

    That's why I'm working on Mrs. Falcon as part of my "fading" strategy. We all go together or we don't go. I've had enough authorities in my life control and dictate my decisions, leaving me powerless. Now I'm calling the shots.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Ok, I'm back from playing golf. There is a distubing lack of me in this thread.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I have often sat in a circle of women and observed life. We all comment how dense men are. The most unsuitable candidates are gushed over. Look at Yoko Ono, end of case.

    It is a miracle that any divided marriage stays. For the Witnesses do not view the Society as something you do on Sunday mornings and answer on opinion polls. The cult takes the full measure of their devotion. To be a Witness is to already be in denial. Maybe they thought in the pas that Michael Jackson would marry them.

    When I was in Manhattan, there were so many Jewish/Christian marriages with each couple negotiating their own accomodation. A nonWitness spouse is viewed as dragging the family down and not being company after Armageddon. I feel Witnesses have a lack of respect for others. They are superior.

    In fairness, I saw a woman cry in an Anglican church about her husband not coming to church b/c it was so impt to her. The Church treated him with respect.

    Staying with a batterer is the worst. My siblings and I would all have fuller lives today if my mom felt she could walk away from abuse. He beat the crap out of us. The emotinal abuse was the worse. I fought for my life on several occasions and feared he would murder a sibling. Looking back, the wonder is that he did not. Yet my gm told my m that it was fine for him to torture and beat us. My mom had to be obedient and stay since he did not commit adultlery.

    A black male from the South was very hurt by his father's abandonment. Yet I told him, my family would have publicly begged for bus fare for my father to leave. We would have solciited enticing women to lead him away. What is more unfaithful than kicking your wife and children or throwing them down stairs. It is much more unfaithful than having sex with another woman.

  • Ding

    Much as I hate to trouble JWs by quoting scriptures, doesn't 1 Corinthians 7:12-13 have something to say about this?

    Or has the FDS come out with new light that nullifies it?

  • sd-7

    "And the scripture cannot be nullified", anyone?


  • serenitynow!
    I've met SerenityNow and find it hard to believe she wasn't snatched up. Must have been that her standards were too high for the JW men.

    You're too kind! I was seen as a headstrong woman in my JW days. I was the "lowly" sister with the temerity to voice my opinions and criticisms to anyone, including the brothers. I was even told once by my friend's mom that brothers were afraid to approach me (romantically) because of my walk. Apparently because I walk with my head up (my mom made us walk with a dictionary on our head- model style), that is threatening to the JW male.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    I got some of those exercise shoes that mimic walking on sand.

    They have made my back straight as a ruler and no hunched shoulders when I stand or walk.

    You know how that throws the bust out a bit.

    Also, in order to see through my glasses clearly, I must tip my head up slightly.

    I must look really scary! (such a ridiculous thought!)


    You crack me up! Oh, heck, check your PM if the darned thing still works.

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