Why do I no longer get attacked and persecuted by the demons, since I left JW,s ?

by pedal power 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • pedal power
    pedal power

    Apoligies for my non appearence, work to blame, thankyou for taking time to respond to the points I raised, in Math ch 4 Vs 3 thru 11, Jesus is in discussion with Satan, as I am sure most of us are aware of this and other biblical accounts, point to Satan and the demons being very real. I hope this is accepted as an established fact, although I accept that other mental illnesses, and some physical illnesses cause psychosis,I am not disputing that . However I cannot account for the lack of demonic persecution I used to experience on a fairly regular basis, when I was JW and as I reiterated, I wondered if this was because of the witnesses still being used by God inspite of thier many flaws ? is is feasable that just as grossly imperfect individuals were used in the past, that likewise JW,s could yet still be being used by God ? afterall for all thir flaws, they are not as bad as Manasseh, who at one point was Evil personofied, yet he still found favour with God and was restored, so why not the witnesses ? for all their faults could they yet be being used ?

  • ziddina

    Okay... Let's approach this from a DIFFERENT angle...

    Are you aware, PedalPusher, that the bible is one of the YOUNGEST so-called "holy" books on the planet?

    That the civilization of Egypt, Stonehenge, the cave paintings of France - are all older - MUCH older, in many cases, than the bible??

    Why on EARTH would you take the word of a Johnny-come-Lately, Bronze-Age Middle-Eastern nomad's 'god'?

    That which came LAST, CANNOT be the "true" 'god'...

    Better research the age and origins of the bible before you go any further....

  • transhuman68

    LOL It's all a load of bollocks. Satan is only written into the Bible because someone has to ask the hard questions so God can answer them. Satan just plays... devil's advocate. It's all imaginary, and if John on the Isle of Patmos hadn't eaten so many magic mushrooms and written Revelation, nobody would get excited about Satan & demunz.

  • Essan

    Pedal, now even I am starting to doubt your motives a little.

    You've received pages and pages of logical refutation of your extremely illogical notion. Any reasonable person would acknowledge that this idea you presented has no sound basis in reason, logic, Scripture or general experience whatsoever. You should be fully assured by now that the idea you entertained in the OP is really very silly and not worth considering.

    Yet here you are again, simply repeating the same baseless statements - framed as if they were questions - as if you hadn't received any answers whatsoever.


  • Hecklerboy

    I haven't read all 7 pages so sorry if this has already been mentioned.

    I see it as quite simple why you are no longer being harrassed by demons.

    The WTS is constantly pounding it in your head that demons are real and when anything bad happens it must be them harrassing you. Eventually you start believing this and blame everything from your car breaking down to a storm knocking the power out on a meeting night to the demons.

    My mom was the champion of this. Everything bad happening was Satan and the demons. Everything good was because of Jehovah. I was even told when I got a good job it was because of Jehovah. Not because I had a good education and lots of experience and was a great employee.

    Now that you are not exposed to that line of thinking 3 times a week you start to see that when bad things happen it's either your fault or totally out of your control. Sometime sh!t happens.

    When I was a child I used to pray every night that the demons wouldn't get me. All thanks to the WTS scaring the hell out of a little kid. Now that I'm out I know they don't exist and there is no boggyman under my bed.

  • pedal power
    pedal power

    Hello again, I have read your replys, some of them serious some of them juvinile, as you would expect on a forum of this nature, however, the general concensus Here, is that The bible is idiotic, and the information contained within is also idiotic. This makes any conversation here problematic, because the primary source of information to be disscussed here,is biblical and now is deemed to be null and void.

    How is it possible to raise points here, and debate them, when my assertions and observations are dismissed as being irrelivent, before I even make them ? There is no room for debate here, because the source material, BIBLE, has already been discounted ?

  • Essan

    Only some of the replies discounted the Bible. A small minority, it seems to me. Yet you are focusing solely on them, rather than responding to those who were willing to discuss it rationally and Scripturally. Why is that? It's easy enough to ignore certain posts. Reasonable discussion is easily possible, if that's what you're here for.

    Again, your motives seem rather suspect to me. You asked questions. Many people spent time and effort answering them. Then you acted like no one had responded to you and simply restated the questions - which by now sound more like insistent statements. Now you are claiming reasonable Scriptural discussion here is impossible, due to a few posters who said they don't accept the Bible as authoritative?

    I'm sensing an agenda. Am I wrong?

    How come you haven't responded at all to any of the very reasonable, Scriptural and infinitely more logical alternative explanations for your demon-free experience since your claimed exit from the JW's?

  • NewChapter

    Hmph. I don't believe the bible is an authority--however--out of a desire to be helpful, I went with scriptural reasoning. Even if you believe the bible is true---your beliefs on the demons is not found in the scriptures. Your beliefs on the demons are purely human superstition. The bible simply does not discuss the phenomena you have described. Not at all. As Essan said, you refuse to even acknowledge those arguments. I always suspected an agenda.


  • EntirelyPossible

    How is it possible to raise points here, and debate them, when my assertions and observations are dismissed as being irrelivent, before I even make them ?

    You see, if you want to use the bible as an authority source and call it true, you need to prove that first. We don't dismiss it, it's that all of the actual evidence points to it not being true. If you have new evidence, please share it. You are asserting that the bible is true, establish that and we can move on.

  • Violia

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