Is there a correlation between personality type and leaving the WT?...

by Tuesday 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    INTJ (Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging)

    Age: 28.9 years

    Brief reason for leaving: I first started to realize that the organization had nothing more to offer to me, and I wanted answers they weren't willing (or able) to give. I made the decision to leave once the facts demonstrated that it was not the true religion.


  • sd-7

    Oh right, I read that wrong...I left at the age of 27, though mentally I left at the age of 26. That clears that up a little.


  • Nice_Dream

    Tuesday - I was a born-in, but I always felt like there was something wrong or missing. Something wasn't quite right deep in my soul. I had doubts at age 16, but pushed them aside to be a good JW. After years of feeling not good enough, I looked online and discovered the Governing Body wasn't appointed by God, and they were just men. I left at age 26, and that feeling that something is wrong isn't there anymore.

    Today I'm an INFP, I was usually an INFJ.

  • simon17

    So far of the 8 "common" personality types which account for about 80% of the populations, only 3 of 36 respondends ended up there.

    Of the 8 "rare" personality types which account for 20%, 33 or 36 people ended up there (or 92%).

    Its sounding that those that "wake up" are a very unique personality.


    N (Intuitive) is found in 20% of personalities in general. Among ex-JWs here: 94%

    I (Introvertive) is found in 50% of personalities in general. Among ex-JWs here: 78%

    J (Judging) is found in about 50% of personalities in genearl. Among ex-JWs here: 69%

    T (Thinking) is found in about 47% of personalities in genearl. Among ex-JWs here: 67%

  • TD


    Never a JW, but came damn close as a young adult.

  • pulled1919outmyass
    Strength of the preferences %

    Left at 32. Started trying to defend my beliefs on yahoo answers and couldn't. Just got sick of the meetings, service, time requirement, ect... started watching a little youtube, read combatting cult mind control and......The Truth has set me free

  • Nickolas

    It does indeed look, simon17, like the OP is onto something.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    According to Keirsey, "Only ideas that make sense to them are adopted."

    In my case, that statement (at least) is certainly relevant:

    - as time went on, I became increasingly frustrated with trying to make something work that was never going to work; and by extension, becoming more and more frustrated at having to try and defend the indefensible.


  • Nickolas

    Why so many INTJs when they're only 2-4% of the population? ENTJs just as rare. Either the online test is skewed or there is a correlation. I have an Excel 5.0 version of the actual MBTI. If anyone is interested, PM me and I will send you the download link.

  • unshackled


    Faded from 26-28ish.

    Started with doubts about legitimacy of the bible and existence of the god of the bible. Hypocrisy within the KH gave me the push to fade. Had no specific plan, just didn't want part of it anymore.

    That, and hated wearing ties. Feels like being choked, which is symbolic of the Org slowly choking the life out of you.

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