Is there a correlation between personality type and leaving the WT?...

by Tuesday 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Found Sheep
  • fortis et liber
    fortis et liber


    Born in, left at age 27

    Left because I couldn't live the lie anymore just to save my relationship with my family in short: the religion is a joke, a lie, a cult and I had to get as far away from it as possible.

  • simon17

    Ok this is pretty fascinating. I scanned through all the personality types, which have an approximate % of the population associated with them, and counted up the tally so far. Even with such a small sample size, the statistical significance of this data is already pretty profound:

    Personality Type......... Percent Population........ # Here:

    Supervisor .......... . 10% + ........... 0

    Inspector .............. 10% + ............ 0

    Provider ................ 10% + ............. 0

    Protector ............... 10% ............. 0

    Promoter ................ 10% ............. 0

    Crafter ................... 10% .............. 0

    Performer ............... 10% + ............ 1

    Composer ............... 9-10% ............ 0

    Teacher ................... 2% ................. 0

    Counselor ............... 3% ................. 2

    Champion ................ 3-4% .............. 1

    Healer ..................... 3-4% ............... 2

    Fieldmarshall ........... 2% .................. 0

    Mastermind ............. 1-2% ............... 8

    Inventor ................... 2% ................. 1

    Architect ................... 1% ................ 2

    Virtually everyone is from the "rarer" groups, mainly under the "Rational" subheading

  • Tuesday

    I think with a large enough sample we'd find that those who left all have the T, then I have a feeling that the I vs. E effects when they choose to leave. Essentially people who are there for the relationships vs. the actual doctrine.

  • simon17

    So far 11/17 have the T like you suspect but even more impressive is that 16/17 have the N

  • Nickolas

    I have been a borderline E/INTJ for 20 years. Deep down I'm a loner, so to pick one or the other, INTJ. Interesting that there are so many INTJs who have posted to this thread because conventional wisdom is that they represent only 2-4% of the overall population. So far, 9 INTJs out of 19 respondents.

    I believe there is a definite correlation. INTJs are perfectionistic analysts who don't take anything on face value. They also tend to be much better leaders than followers. It is an essentially incompatible Watchtower personality.

    I'm 59. I was a bible student between the ages of 22 and 24. If you do the math, that was 1974-1976. I fled before getting close to baptism. 1975 did me in, the final straw being unable to ask my own questions or to question the canned answers during the bible studies.

    Incidentally, the INTJ personality type includes many interesting personalities. I count as fellow INTJs Augustus Caesar, John F. Kennedy and (my favourites) Professor Moriarity and Hannibal Lecter.

  • AnnOMaly

    I've done these tests several times before and tend to flit between INTJ and ISTJ (the latest one just now came out at this). One test, therefore, got me as IXTJ.

    Born in. Woke up in my early/mid-'30s - many doctrinal itches I couldn't scratch until they got so annoying I had to get to the root cause and properly deal with them. Still have some itches to deal with - all in good time. Kinda still in the WTS/JW system at present.

  • Nickolas
  • Nickolas

    Love this JWN editor.

    If you go here you will find at the top an index that takes you to discussions on the various personality types.



    Raised in.. Left around 20..

    Can`t stand BullShit..

    Thats all there was on the Menu..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

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