Yet another newbie....

by breakfast of champions 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heaven

    Welcome BoC! Thanks for sharing your story with us. 2014 is a significant year for me... I'll be eligible for retirement. Strange, isn't it that I was told I'd never need to go to high school, I wouldn't need a career, and I wouldn't grow old in this system of things. What a load of shiite!

    Every single one of my relatives born on or before 1914 are dead.

    Waiting on Jehovah gets you absolutely no where.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Welcome to our world.

    Don't hold your breath waiting for the bOrg to collapse. That's about as imminent as their BalmyGeddon. If you want your family out you are going to have to leave your tap dripping



  • wannabefree

    Welcome Breakfast of Champions (can I call you Wheaties for short?)

    The feelings you relate are all too recently familiar to me.

    What a tangled web this religion is when you wake up and have family in.

    I am so greatful to Simon for maintaining the sight, it sure has helped so many people.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Thanks again to everyone for welcoming me. Sorry I can't really put in a lot of time responding to each one of you individually, but I do appreciate your responses.

    Yes, I actually do consider myself to be very lucky to be married to such a great person- our relationship is the envy of many in the cong!

    And when I wrote that I was "stuck" I didn't mean to imply the situation is hopeless- more just frustrating.

    For me, I think having a good sense of humor and not taking yourself too seriously goes a long way in a lot of aspects of life, and is probably one of the main reasons our marriage is so great. I think humor can play a huge roll in helping people cut through the BS and see what is really there.

    And yes,"Slow and steady, steady and slow, that's the way we always go" are words to live by. No rush here. Enjoying life.

    Thanks again!

  • cantleave

    Welcome -thanks for posting

  • Ding

    Welcome to JWN!

    The Society's own literature disproves its own claims far better than anything else.

    I wish every JW would start reading Studies in the Scriptures and keep reading until they've seen enough -- like you -- to be convinced beyond a doubt of what a house of cards the whole thing is.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Wow, great eye-opening on doctrine. Doctrine is what opened my eyes, even though it took a long time. I could not have stayed "in" for the overlap garbage had I not already faded out.

    I have the active wife and her family is separated from us by distance, but they are mostly "in" so it presents a challenge to breaking through to the wife. Even that "something big" that might happen might not get her out. But we keep trying and hoping.

    See ya around on the forum.

  • maryann

    Welcome BoC and thanks for sharing your story.

    I feel for you when you say you're Stuck. I wanted to say that you're only stuck if you think you are. Even living in a divided household, you are free to believe as you wish. Even people who don't have JW's in their life, have difficulties in many different areas. It's all in how you view it.

    I'm in a similar situation, but I don't go to meetings and my spouse knows how I feel. I do wish I could celebrate birthdays and holidays at home, but usually make the best of those with my friends. And I do feel totally (well almost), free to believe and live as I please.

    I'll stop the preaching now ... but just had to put in my 2 cents - I thought it might help...


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Just an aside as far as the Studies in Scripture box set...

    When we got them as a gift 15 or so years ago, I told one of the bethel elders in our hall who was always collecting old literature about the find....

    "That's practically apostate material !" was his response.

    Why the bells and whistles weren't going off...

    didn't even bother to crack one of the volumes open until last year...

  • Alfred

    Breakfast of champions... WELCOME!

    Did you crack open Volume 7 yet?

    Here's a sinposis I put together some time ago...

    (Since you have a sense a humor, this will definitely make you laugh)

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