Introducing Myself

by StandFirm 151 Replies latest jw friends



    ... THAT the visible part of Jehovah's organization is the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society made up of those who are anointed by Jehovah and whom he is using,
    and that Jehovah is using the Watch Tower publications as a means of conveying his present-day truths to his people ...

    I now am more convinced than ever that Jehovah's Witnesses are God's organization on earth today.....S/F

    Jehovah`s Witness`s get No Mention as Gods Organization..Jehovah`s Witness`s FOLLOW Gods Organization,the WBT$..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s work for the WBT$..Period..


    They had better be Happified to Do It!..There isn`t one Jehovah`s Witness that can`t be Replaced..

    In Watchtower World..The Watchtower can Never be Replaced..

    I know your Thrilled to Death..To finally Get some Informative Lessons on the WBT$..

    Pretending to be Knowledgable about Watchtower World..

    Can be Very difficult on JWN..

    If you want to Thank Me ..

    You can send me a Gift Certificate for a Bucket of KFC..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • isaacaustin

    Standfirm said:

    satinka: No, I am not counting service time, and I have not told my elders. Why should I? Contrary to what is often implied by some people here, Witnesses don't need to run to the elders for every little thing.

    My reply:

    In Watchtowerland, posting on 'apostate' websites is not a little thing, it is a sin worthy of being df.

  • pbrow

    I think ive got it. Over the last year I have read a few of standfirms posts on topix and his own blog. I even asked a question about his belief in the blood policy. After reading about the "its not blood because of the centrufigural force of the beaker filled with protoplasmic isotopes taken during the lunar month of ramadan taken from an antitypical byzantine prostitute" While I will always welcome another "sconnie" on the board, from my lurking here for a few months before actually contributing I think its pretty safe to say that standfirm is a troll. A troll that has his own website and has somehow figured out how to monitize his being a troll.

    Standfirm, I know that none of these post will discourage you for a time. I again welcome you here, It will do alot of lurkers alot of good. I am actually happy that my children have a strong Jehovahs Witness presence in their lives in their mother. The absolute worst thing for a born in as far as Jehovahs Witnesses are concerned is having one strong Jehovahs Witness parent and having a critically thinking non Jehovahs Witness parent as well. Your post will have an enormous impact on the many lurkers here and it will not be in the way that you like.(if you werent a troll)

    By the way.... for all the sconnies on the board.. Brauny and Fielder are going to the series this year!!


  • godrulz

    The WT article that says apostates quote things out of context is hypocritical. There is no end to e.g. of WT publications drastically misquoting Christian scholars to say the opposite of what they intended. Any time there is an WT material, it should be a flag to check the original source for the full quote in context (I have many of the sources in my library and have verified this; in addition, counter-cult material has photoreprints of original quotes in context). The WT has said that we should not fear examining our views and changing them if necessary. This only applies to non-Witnesses apparently, since if a JW had freedom to look at all sides, many more would leave the organization (it is indoctrination and mind control to make people fear critically examining their beliefs from outside the group think; classic cultism).

  • AnnOMaly

    What you quoted was the old understanding.

    Ah, the golden get-out LOL. You only specified proof of "the assertion that the WTBS is supposed to be God's organization and not acting on behalf of God's organization." This was given to you. And as I said, throughout WTS history (Rutherford onward), the WTS/JWs have taught both concepts - even as late as 1966.

  • palmtree67


    Here a distinction is made between the Society and the organization.

    To prove your point, you provided 2 Watchtower quotes.

    Please provide scriptural support.

    Where did Jesus say that his true followers would have an organization with two (or more) distinctive parts?

  • jookbeard

    StandFirm on page 3 of this thread you listed 10 points that you used as evidence to support that the WTS is the organization that God is using on Earth today or whatever way you like to word it, if I may I'd like to make a quick mention of point 9 ; Separate from the world;

    Would a religious organization so called appointed by God and through it's literature speaks about The Wild Beast of Revelation and The Great Harlot affiliate itself with this particular modern day organization (The UN) for 10 years? becoming a fully paid up member of the UN as an NGO then only admitted it was a member when the scandal was exposed by groups that are likened to be opposers? yet lied in the intervening years speaking about not being a member of it and castigating and condemning any other religious group that became a member of it, would it not be a huge example of double standards and complete hypocrisy?Could it be that the WTS is not as "separate from the World" as the other religious groups it so vehemently attacks month in month out? Another example that could show that the WTS is not so separate from the World is the investment stock that the WTS hold in a company manufacturing military hardware. The WTS often cite the examples of your brothers from Malawi rejecting the party card that President and Tin Pot despot Banda allegedly made the population own and suffering such unspeakable misery at the hands of Banda's henchmen because of the enforcing the ban on this by your GB , yet Ray Franz speaks of another example of possible double standards from your brothers in Mexico who were allowed to purchase and own Military Service Exemption Certificates, so these 4 examples show that the WTS is clearly some part of the world and not so unique in this boast.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    StandFirm: I know about and try to practice critical thinking.

    Yes, we all "know about and try to practice critical thinking"... to some degree. Bear in mind, I'm not questioning your intelligence. I thought I knew what it was when I was a devout witness as well. I didn't really.

    Critical thinking is a developed skillset, is self-refining, and a cousin to the scientific method. Science thrives on skepticism. Faith and religion do not.

    I find many religious folk seem to be confident in their critical thinking skills without ever picking up a book to find out what the subject really entails. Yet if all of these religious people were staunch critical thinkers, there would at least be fewer religions. Instead, most of those who are religious simply adopt their parents views and then subconsciously shield their beliefs from skepticism and scrutiny.

    If you're being honest about testing yourself, go buy a good book on CT and do some reading on cognitive biases, then apply what you've read to your cherished beliefs. That will be a much more effective test than milling around in an "apostate" forum while bias and prejudice protect your beliefs.

    As for the Bible, I don't want to go into tons of detail on this introductory thread, but, the way I see it, since I believe there is a God based on the evidence of the natural world, etc.,then I believe that Christianity makes far more sense than any other religion, that it is the best way of approach to God.

    Do you see the long chain of presuppositions that are being accepted as axioms here? Why limit yourself to the assumption that some religion must have a grasp on reality? I can understand why you might think "there must've been a designer" but why assume that it has interacted or is still interacting with man? You're still starting with a presupposition that the Bible is of divine origin.

    True Christianity demands that the Bible be true.

    And true Islam demands the the Koran be true. Both can't be right. So which group needs to apply critical thinking skills to their own beliefs? Why not both (or all)?

    Also, it makes sense that a God who created humans with that spiritual need and the quality of love would not unlovingly leave them in the lurch spiritually.

    It makes sense, yes, if that's what you've been taught your whole life. Albert Einstein supposedly said that common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of 18. So of course it makes sense.

    The Bible gives more evidence than any other book of being that communication from God.

    Why would a creator capable of engineering the complex laws of the universe communicate an uber-important message through a book, penned by ancient man, in languages that are unique to an era and particular geography? Is that the best he could do? (FWIW, I'm aware of the canned JW answer to this and, for me, it doesn't resolve anything.) Why was he supposedly unambiguous back then (voice from heaven, miracles, etc...), but today we have to accept him on faith and vague identifying marks like "love" and self-fulfilling prophecy (preaching)?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    I see this to mean that those who are exposed to apostate arguments who do honest research on them will see them to be false.

    Wow, you are thoroughly lacking in reading comprehension skills. The point of the article was that they should be avoided altogether. The give-away should've been this line:

    "He felt that having a quick look at an apostate Web site would not be dangerous. "

  • godrulz

    Mind control=cult.

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