A Former Jehovah's witness involved with the writing department of The Watchtower Society comes forward and speaks up.

by koolaid-man 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Richard is a person of the highest character whom I consider a personal friend, as I do Rick Fearon himself.

    Richard Rawe would not be party to any fraudulent dog-and-pony show, he's a big boy and nobody's fool.

    Please don't let the recent controversy surrounding "Johnny the Bethelite" color your opinion of all the SIX SCREENS teleconferences.

    Rick has made possible thousands of hours of good informative programming.

    Don't let this one of those situations where one "Aw, shit!" overrides hundreds of "attaboys."

  • belbab

    I too know Richard Rawe (pronounced Raw way)

    He is the one that obtained all the transcripts for the court cases that the WT put a gag on, for Barbara Anderson.

    He is not young anymore, has had a stroke I believe, that that gave him a speech impediment.

    But listen carefully, what he says has meaning.


  • yknot

    I am going to be out of town on Saturday but if someone from the Six Screens could confirm JWN alias to me via PM (if said person has a history of posting)..... I will listen and maybe call in as permitted by circumstance

  • moshe

    I tried to "fact check" one of the Six Screens personas (not Johnny the Bethelite) that I had questions about after a show back in November- I was given a phone number that didn't work, (they had no other contact info) so I could never verify anything about this person. I won't waste my time with Six Screens, until they have a good system in place for vetting their guests.



    You are an Old Friend and You have Cred..

    Most of us are Straight -Up..

    "Sick of Koolaidman trying to Play Us"..

    If you have any Influence..You need to Straighten him Out..

    It`s the Only Way to Turn his Credibility Around..

    ................. ...OUTLAW

  • JeffT

    I too have met Richard, we were participants in a support group for xjw's here in Seattle, back when my wife and I were first leaving. I believe he lived in Eastern Washington at the time, and perhaps still does. He had no use for Watchtower style BS in 1989, I can't imagine him knowingly being part of a deception now.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Those that claim to be friends of this gentleman might do well to inform him of the type of show he's getting himself involved.

  • Curtains

    thanks for the thumbs up re Richard Rowe and ricks shows. I have not listened to them as it does not seem to be available here.

    broken promises, imo from what I have learned on JWN the six screens of the W puts on shows - some are bad some are good. It is all about garnering publicity for the antics of the WTS. Look how much publicity was generated by the johnny show

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Well, the "johnny" fiasco had nothing to do with the WTS. My guess is that it was a prankster who doesn't like koolaid-man.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Having read Richards own page i see no reference to being 'involved with the writing department' at all.

    I dont doubt the mans story, but i sense mr koolaid doing a sensationalizing spin again...


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