Earthquakes Earthquakes and more Earthquakes

by sizemik 185 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    New Zealand has long been called the shaky isles; we're tough here although my poor tongue is well bitten. After-shocks are very common following a major earthquake.

    I understand that New Zealand's second biggest city, Christchurch is to be renamed Christquake .

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    We party hard here

  • sizemik

    Typical Aucklanders . . . won't let us Cantabs keep the limelight for too long . . .

    Seriously . . . that looked a bit scary . . . and sorry to hear it took a life

  • sizemik

    And to make it a full set . . . they've just had a magnitude 5.0 in Nelson (about 7.00pm local) . . . widely felt throughout central NZ

    If you're quick you can see how it registered on the drum here in CHCH in the OP . . . the readout updates automatically so it will be about 2 hours older than this post

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I'm so scared of all the scary stuff that happens in NZ that I am going to bugger off to the tropics while it isn't hurricane season there.

  • sizemik

    I think there's some tongue in the cheek there Black Sheep . . . we know you're going for the fishing

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The fish are toxic.

    I have to find someone with their own boat or pay some tourist operator rediculous amounts of money to take me outside the reef to catch an edible fish. I'll be living on coconut crabs and kura.

  • sizemik

    Oh well . . . there's always the local bitter to wash it down with

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Nice little graphs about earthquakes:

    It seems earthquakes' strength have decreased and only the last decade there was a small bump. Also, the amount of people killed per million has remained the same while the populations live closer together in earthquake-prone areas.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Black sheep Maybe I'll move to Stewart Island. Black sheep, you could come down and do some fishing. Bring some Bluff oysters on the way.....yummmmm

    sizemik As we say here in Auckland.......

    Thats enough about me

    Lets talk about you

    What do you........think of me?


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