Earthquakes Earthquakes and more Earthquakes

by sizemik 185 Replies latest jw friends

  • sizemik

    I've already got my three teenage lads drinking out of plastic . . .

    They use a plastic hose with a funnel on the end of it . . . what's with that?

    When we wanted to get drunk fast we just used tequila

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I'm glad to hear you are being a responsible parent. I hope they are cleaning the mouth piece on that funnel before they pass it round.

    I wasn't big on beer when I was Pink chardon, now we're talking classy or Marque vue (is that how you spell it?) or............. sometimes those pre mix bottles of screwdriver.....ewwwww that thought just made me cringe.

    Lets be honest....whatever we could get our hands on.

  • sizemik

    Yep . . . as soon as I found the marker pen and the tiny little dots on the bottles . . . my Dads liquor cabinet was easy pickings

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    How many minutes per month do you spend in a wine isle?

    The chances of being there during a shake are bugger all even in NZ. Even if you got caught you would have to be extremely unlucky to actually get cut.

    Our local supermarket has just had to redo it's brand new wastewater lines due to new regulations formulated after the Christchurch earthquakes. This will make them less likely to rupture in a major shake. We are 450 mikes from Christchurch.

  • sizemik

    How many minutes per month do you spend in a wine isle? . . . . none

    Our local supermarket has unrestrained wine bottles for miles . . . I watched the security camera footage care of my wife, and about 600 bottles of wine exploded on the floor almost simultaneously . . . two people slipped in the "wash" of liquid . . . both ended up severely cut on the bottle bases . . . one received over 40 stitches. The bottles have been replaced and are still unrestrained. The current frequency and magnitude of shaking will have to trend down a bit more for me . . . but that's just me.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Now thats a good question Black Sheep.....I reakon between stocking up for himself (in case of disasters) and buying supplies for the kids he's probably there quite a lot. So the risks are high.

  • sizemik

    The only time I drink is when Chris takes me fishing . . . he's a bad influence on me LOL

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Fun times huh? Those good old days. Hell no! I'd rather be where I am now. At least I'm not making such an ass of myself (although I suppose thats debateable).

    My partner is a recovering alcoholic, been sober nearly 2 years. So I don't do much drinking now a days. He has no opinion either way if I want to. But I don't very often now. I'm not one for drinking on my own.

    I still reakon we should look at plastic wine bottles for Chch though. We could call them Skippy bottles...whatta you think?

  • sizemik

    Actually I seldom drink . . . not by choice though . . . liver cirrhosis . . . had hepC since I was 19 (bout 35 years)

    I have the very occasional tipple for memory's sake mainly at a special occasion . . . but I don't miss it

    Skippy bottles? . . . that might draw me back to the wine aisle LOL

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The Black Sheep spends far more time in his own brewery than he spends in the wine isle, but would consider being caught in an earthquake in the wine isle as quite a hoot.

    Quite partial to a drop from the real Black Sheep brewery too.

    Have a new prop now and am ready for a fish, but apparently I live in the wrong country and have to move closer to the equator for the winter. How sad Bring on the GTs

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