Earthquakes Earthquakes and more Earthquakes

by sizemik 185 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I don't think its just JW induced anxieity here in Auckland. I have stopped watching the news because I got so overwhelmed by the news reports and felt so helpless. In fact, apart from what I see on here at the moment I haven't got a clue about whats happening anywhere. My partner is currently in Wellington and he said they had a bit of a shake there a while ago.

    I do know that a couple of weeks ago my property flooded (I have a tidal creek that runs the length of my section). That is my biggest ongoing problem. They keep saying that tides are rising because of global warming. Strangely I haven't experienced this. I have lived on this property for nearly 20 years and apart from a very large king tide which flooded into the house about 5 years ago the tides have not been as bad. And generally it is the weather that causes me problems. Cyclones etc.

    Of course growing up in Auckland I have a real thing about volcanoes. A healthy fear you could call it. I probably would be a bit happier if I wasn't surrounded by them but I certainly don't loose any sleep over it.

    I suppose we can get used to anything when it comes down to it. I've got used to floods and volcanoes. You've got used to earthquakes.

  • transhuman68

    Why don't you guys just turn off the lights and come to Australia?

    EDIT: I've been flooded out twice in the last six months. It's not always beer & skittles here.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    My partner has hinted at this a number of times because he has family there.

    Anyway, you lot flood too.....and in Wodonga (where his folks are) they have droughts. Thanks for the invite though.

    sizemik might take you up on it, you never know

  • sizemik

    I'll sit tight for now . . . I'd hate to miss something. Thanks all the same . . . I've been known to change my mind.

    You can relax with regard to Aucklands volcanoes still thinking . . .

    I'm no expert, but as far as I remember, the Auckland volcanic field while being "alive" has produced around 50 eruptions in 250,000 years (about 1 every 5000). Some are believed to have occurred simultaneously however so averages can be misleading.

    The volcanoes are typically monogenetic . . . a fancy word meaning each eruption occurs only once. Molten magma rises as a 'bubble' assimilating the material above it until it breaks the surface. Eruptions, depending on their size may last from as little as a few months to several years and then become extinct.

    Rangitoto was the last (about 600 years ago) and was equal in size to all the others put together. The next one (which will undoubtedly occur) may well be some time off and will likely occur at a "fresh" location.

    With the modern monitoring equipment which is in place, rising magma will be detectible many months before erupting through the surface . . . you'll get plenty of warning . . . it just might be hard to sell your house.

    If it happens . . . your welcome at my place . . . we can watch it on the telly together

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Hee Hee I reakon your picture would be a bit shaky for my liking.

    If Lake Taupo started to rumble I might take transhuman up on the offer. At least I'd feel at home with the flooding.

  • sizemik

    Here's a pleasant thought . . . last time the Taupo caldera erupted was around 2000 years ago (not long). I helped with some data gathering back in the 1970's

    Evidence points to a pyroclastic flow about 5000 feet high travelling at 250 mph as it passed through Cambridge on it's way to the west coast.

    If that place increases significantly in activity . . . book early . . . I'll pick you up from Sydney airport ha ha ha

  • transhuman68

    LOL. This is a great thread, sizemik. Australia is really boring compared to NZ. Nothing ever happens here!

  • sizemik

    Nothing ever happens here! . . . Yeah right . . . only bushfires and floods! . . . hence the wink eh?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    ok sizemik, you will recognize me....I will be the one wearing the tiara my pictures mixed up....we just look so similar......

    I know what you're thinking.......uncanny how much we look alike.............

  • sizemik

    LOL . . . still thinking . . . I'm "still thinking"

    I suspect there might be a 'natural disaster' involved here somewhere . . . before and after shots maybe?

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