New simplified Watchtower

by alanv 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • therevealer

    I do think that individual dubbies will want to check it out. And what a let down when they find that "Oh shite, I still don't get it".

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    This is desperation. The operative word here is NEW. The usual marketing tactic to grab attention. Even if it's sh!t, at least it's NEW sh!t. This is supposed to excite the rank and file, and it probably will, because there sure isn't much else new for them to go gaga over.

    So glad I'm out of this whole rancid organization. Thanks for posting's at least a heads up about what they might be advertising at the end of this year's Memorial disscourse.

  • unshackled

    "We cannot train our perceptive powers if we only do what other people do or if we expect others to tell us what to do." - pg.6, par. 7

    Then this . . . "But we are acting against Jehovah’s purpose if we do not obey the faithful and discreet slave or if we choose to obey only what we think is important." - pg. 21, par. 17

    Well that is rich. Don't let others tell you what to do, BUT you must obey the Governing Body. How do you not see thru this shite...McFly, hello McFly, are you in there?

  • Quendi

    So the organization has never disappointed its rank-and-file members, eh? Does 1975 mean nothing to these liars, or are they counting on the fact that since the majority of present-day Witnesses became involved with the religion long after that year that the rest of us have forgotten all about it and/or that they can rely on the ignorance of contemporary Witnesses? And as for the "pure waters of truth", I suppose the vacillations and reversals on the meaning of the word "generation" don't matter as well. Perhaps it shouldn't since that wasn't water they were dispensing but kool-aid. May Jehovah look upon them and judge!


  • Cadellin

    So with two Kool-Aid editions available I guess we could tag them as "dumb and dumber"...


    God, that was a moronic movie.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Making the Watchtower even simpler than it is at present -- now that's a challenge!

  • Quendi

    Our friend aSphereisnotaCircle asserts that no adult Witnesses will use the "simplified" English version of The Watchtower. I'm not so sure. I think it may well appeal to many young adults and even those in their thirties. My experience as a high school teacher suggests to me that there are many native English speakers whose comprehension and mastery of our language is very poor. Their reading skills are bad. They don't understand the rules of grammar and syntax. They can't express themselves verbally or in written form at a level commensurate with their grade level. Their vocabulary is anything but rich and varied. As a teacher I can't tell you how many poorly written essays, theme papers, or even short test answers I was forced to read. Sadly, I think that this new version will be read by more than just people for whom English is an alternative language.


  • willyloman

    "This new (simplified) version will be tried for one year, and if it is helpful, it will continue to be printed."

    Future announcement scheduled for this time next year:

    "The simplified English version of the Watchtower has proven to be so helpful that we have decided to merge it with the regular edition. Henceforth, there will be one version of the Watchtower, designed to be easily understandable to all. What a marvelous provision from Jehovah!"

  • whereami

    Makes me

    Hey LWT!!!! Nice to see you back again.

  • cantleave

    I have had a sneak preview..........

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