Heads up, the Local Needs part this week is a special talk on blood transfusions.

by miseryloveselders 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    J. Hofer

    I really can't see them dropping the blood doctrine, ever. Can you just imagine the massive lawsuits? The fallout would be tremendous. Probably even a revolution. On the other hand, what may happen is that the blood doctrine may be dropped slowly, slowly, bit by bit until it is gone without any kind of fallout. Kind of in a subtle way.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    they changed the generation doctrine twice in my (relatively short) lifetime, and that's one of their biggest doctrines, and not much happened. the odd apostate was cast out into the darkness. same thing will happen with the blood doctrine... they'll have to go mainstream sooner or later.

    the blood doctrine is already being dropped slowly. first it was "NO BLOOD!", then it was "some fractions are a concience matter", then more fractions, now it's alright if a doctor does his best to avoid a blood transfusion, in a few steps you won't hear about it anymore.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Murderous bastards.

  • palmtree67

    It almost seems as if they are hoping the decision will be taken out of their hands and given to the doctors to decide.

    Like they're not going to revoke their stnad on transfusions, but here's a loophole......


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I also noticed that the speaker not once mentioned 'blood fractions' in his talk but instead he a number of times made mention of 'blood alternatives' and 'non blood management' as acceptable forms of treatment. As though the Society may be wanting to eliminate the self incriminating expression 'blood fractions' from its' vocabulary.

    Just a thought!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The GB really are despicable and putrid beings. May they all die horrible, painful, long deaths, the lot of em. Fucking bastards.

    Amen, brother. I want that written on a bumper sticker, a T-Shirt, and the world's biggest crop circle!

  • designs

    How much time did the Legal Department and the GB spend together working out the wording.

  • kurtbethel

    I smell a "don't let your child get a blood transfusion" WINK WINK from the legal department, allowing wiggle room for them to actually get the transfusion under protest, so no one dies and bad legal consequences go bye bye.

    Studying with this religion has made me cynical though.

  • thetrueone

    How Parents Can Protect Their Children From Misuse of Blood.

    There they are again making the implication that BTs are an endeavored sin, an action of evil intention.

    Yes protect your children from those nasty encourgable doctors ( Worldly ) who have the utmost compassionate

    concern for the health and well being of your children.

    Quite frankly I think the recent legal situations where the government has to step in to let the doctors proceed

    with issuing a BTs, is giving the JWS and WTS a bad public reputation in the public eye.

    So to push parents to hold on to the BT avoidance policy has become stringently important to the WTS.

    Too many lives being saved under this enforcement is bad for the WTS. public image in general.

    In a sick and ironic way, with no government enforcement and JWS dieing, it's actually better for the WTS.

    Because the WTS. has always discredited this medical procedure has being unhealthy, useless and pointless

    as far as JWS are concerned.

  • clarity

    Palmtree & Kurtbethel ... right on!



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