I don't belong here anymore

by sizemik 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berengaria

    I think a good exercise for all might be to look up any given YOUTube. Anything, absolutely any subject. Then look at the comments. It's amazing.

  • NomadSoul

    This happens in so many forums. It's always the same complaints for old timers too. I've seen a topic similar in almost every forum that I post in.

    The old timers get in and talk about the good ol days! Nothing stays the same, not even the forums.

    Have a good one!

  • Berengaria

    Nomad I don't think you post enough

  • VampireDCLXV

    If you think that commenting is bad here, yes, do check out the comment sections on almost any youtube vid... utterly atrocious and almost guaranteed to drop your IQ a couple of points.


  • NomadSoul

    Berengaria, I think I post too much. lol Well not here that often because I get bored here pretty quick, but I do have 4 other forums that I have been posting for years. One is now completely dead! And none of those are JW related.

    Vampire, I love reading youtube comments for entertainment!

  • mrsjones5

    I'm a clique of one...seriously.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I agree with the comment regarding the cliques - they definitely exist. A popular poster will start a thread and all the same ones comment, even if there's not much substance to the thread.

    Whereas a least frequent, perhaps newer poster will post something really profound, or interesting, or maybe they've just summed up the courage to post.... and they're ignored. Why?

    I've started to read the threads which are least replied to because they're very often the ones worth reading. The ones started by the least known or the ones not in a clique.

    Sizemik, I'm sorry you feel upset with the board. It's certainly not perfect, nor is the moderation, and yes, there are other places to go. The only reason I stay here is because it's stays up to date with JWism and I want to know what my family is being taught. There are also some nice people I've met, including YOU, which makes it a social place as well.

    But if you go, I'll understand. I'll PM you my email address, ok?

  • trevor

    sizemik - You have summed up this board very accurately. This is an online community and like all communities it contains people with different ideas and different needs. Each person decides how involved they want to be and who they interact with.

    You have decide you don't want to be involved at all. Isn't it great to have the freedom to make these choices without repercussion?


  • wobble

    I enjoyed your posts, Murray, and I thought your personality came through in them, you seem the kind of guy I would enjoy sharing a beer with. (I don't mean sharing one beer, I mean a"session") and a fishing trip maybe .

    Drop back in whenever you like, you will be welcome, and may your life from now on be fulfilled and happy.

  • AGuest

    Greetings, dear sizemik, and peace to you!

    While I can "see" some of the things you "see" about this board, I have to say that I think some come here (and to other boards) looking to find something "different" from what they left (i.e., the WTBTS), something "better"... and then get a little disappointed when they find out that people are still just people. In a different community setting, perhaps, but not really changed, when you get down to the nitty gritty of it. We tend to take our personalities with us, no matter where we go... or where we've come from. Few actually really change... although many tend to point fingers back at others and what they disliked.

    You remember the tale of the Israelites leaving Egypt, don't you? Formerly persecuted at great levels, denied a heritage, or freedom (or pretty much everything); made to toil and suffer? Yet, what did they do, how did they treat one another almost immediately after having left Egypt? Was it not in the exact same way as their former oppressors... while constantly taking issue with the one(s) who led them out? That, dear one, was the REASON the Law was put in writing: because Israel showed that it was not written on their HEARTS, and so they had to have constant reminders... even potential "penalties" to try and MAKE them live in love. A shame, yes?

    Israel was... and is... a hard-hearted, hard-headed, stiff-necked people, dear one. And Israel... is here on this board. Which is why I was sent here: to appeal to... and share what I received from my Lord... with the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with. Unfortunately, a whole LOT of folks here have absolutely NO idea that they ARE Israel. Why? Because there is no physical or man-made geneology to "prove" it to them. But... the blood speaks. Even the blood of Abraham/Israel. And the Most Holy One of Israel KNOWS where Abraham's blood resides, even if it is only a minute drop. And to this day, He is still calling out to Israel. Including Israel that is here.

    My point? Don't expect more from people than they can... or are willing... to give. Rather, have pity and compassion for them, and HOPE... that they WILL someday get it... and perhaps turn around. Whether they are JWs, ex-JWs, or whathaveyou. If, however, you believe you can help effect change, even if it is with ONE person, then isn't upon you to try and do so? What I mean is that, if you... perhaps a peaceable person... leaves... then who will set the example for those who WANT to see what being peaceable really looks like, those who have never REALLY seen it, and so have little trust in anyone (which is why they constantly "bite" at others)? Granted, a whole bunch of folks SAY they want to see someone who is kind, loving, genuine, authentic... but their reactions to such belie that. They just can't trust it. Yet, there are those who are sincere. Aren't they worth staying and setting an example for?

    No one can tell you what to do; only you know what you want, should, can do. But please don't expect "perfection" from the folks here: no one here is perfect and so no one will manifest anything close to it. We can only TRY, those of us who've a mind to... to live the love we were looking for in the WTBTS but found wanting and so may have come/been sent here. But our expectations should be realistic. LOVE... requires that they be realistic, dear one.

    I hope this helps and, again, I bid you peace!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


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