I don't belong here anymore

by sizemik 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    "I have found that this site is a bit "cliquey"

    uh . . Duh . . Ya think?? This is definately no H2O forum (back in the day) . . . this forum is a pale shadow of what it once was . . . .

    Why do you think there is a vast army of folks like me who post very rarely here . . . we just lurk to keep our finger on the pulse of the last days of the fucking Borg . . .

    sorry if I sound harsh . . but this is no place for the naive. The empathetic are outnumbered by the sophomoric philistines . .

    . . . .so ban me for speaking the truth . .

    I wish you Peace and Serenity in your journey, sizemik.

  • Listener

    I've heard this said about other forums before. You've got to expect that people who have a lot of post numbers would really know a lot about others with high post numbers.

    Hope to see you again.

  • ohiocowboy

    I agree with you wholeheartedly about the "Cliques". I even mentioned it in a post here just a couple of months back, and was told in no uncertain terms that I was full of it and that there were no cliques here. Funny thing is, the ones that have called me on it were some on the ones who are in the "Clique". Some just don't see how they treat others, or how they ignore those who they think are beneath them because they happen to not agree with them, or they feel that others are not smart enough to share in their conversations. It is really sad, as we can all learn some good things from each other.

    It is nice knowing others feel the same way and makes me realize that I'm not crazy when I see what is going on, but on the other hand, I hate the fact that others are hurting here from the actions of a few.

    I too will not post anymore when I am having problems dealing with things in my life-ie; when I lose a loved one, etc. because I am too afraid of those who will just tell me to man up and stop being weak, just like what happened to someone here a couple of weeks ago who posted about problems in their marriage. The poster was in a bad depression, and the thread turned into people making fun of him, calling him a liar, etc. And usually it is the same posters who question others and say hurtful things and then when things start to slow down, along comes a pot stirrer to make sure the thread stays inflammatory.

    Sadly, people like yourself, me, and others who bring these things up are called "Thin skinned" or worse.

    I won't even begin to get into those who's sole purpose here seems to be to try to catch others in a lie and try to prove that there are those who are not say they are. Granted, some people in the past have fooled some of us, but now a lot of people are so paranoid that they chase descent people away who come here for help. Any discrepancy in what someone says gets compared to another post which may be a little different, or a different date, and a Witch hunt begins and usually without fail turns into a shark infested angry mob orgy fest of meanness. Sad.

    I feel anxious and nervous posting this, but I am at a point where I need to make my feelings known because I am just as important as every one else, and to let others know they are not alone when they too recognize things that hurt others.

    I can only imagine how dissappointed how the owner must feel seeing as much discord on this board.

    I am sorry you went through this. Hopefully things will get better soon for you as well as others who feel the same way.

    I wish you the best!!!


  • clarity

    Yes Murray... I'll miss your presence on here ...

    but to you, and all who feel they must leave by basically trashing or being critical ... could you just think for a moment .........of those, who are left here to pick up the pieces?

    Reminds me of my brother who would be losing at 'Monopoly'. He would jump up and yell "I'm not playing any more!! And he would knock the game to the floor.

    Subdubed, the rest of us would slowly, piece by piece, pick up the mess.

    Could we not instead, just slip quietly into the sunshine, when the time is right for us ... ?


  • lil princess
    lil princess

    you can take the person(s) out of jehobo

    but you can not take jehobo out of the person(s). screw peoples opinion. do you really care about a few nerds who feel the need to be dismissive on the computer because nobody likes them in real life? be who you be! i respect your directness.


  • factfinder

    I wish you the best Murry!

    I'm new here too, and I'm sorry that you found this board to be so discouraging that you feel the need to leave.

  • mouthy

    I hope I wasnt one of those that ticked you off

    But I do wish you the best. This site is all I have left

    after the WT DF me. They are my family,Sorry you felt
    I was cliqiy( cant spell it

  • Retrovirus

    ((((Grandma Grace))))

    I'm not like this in real life, but I miss the family I thought I had.


  • Berengaria

    I personally don't see cliques at all. I see groups of people drawn to certain subjects.

    I thought you were dang cool sizemik/Murray. But I don't post much.

  • GLTirebiter

    Murray, if the board isn't a good fit for you then I wish you well and hope life will be good to you.

    But I do encourage you to stay. We aren't all alike here, and we don't have to be alike. That's what freedom means, after all...not a fantasy of utopia, but living a real world with real people, who don't have to (pretend to) think alike, who are free to agree or disagree--sometimes politely, sometimes not--and to associate (or not associate) with any consenting person, not just those who have been declared "approved associations" (or branded "bad associations").

    Still, it's your choice. If you leave, I wish the best to you. If you ever want to come back, the door is open.

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