I don't belong here anymore

by sizemik 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy
    I'm a clique of one...seriously.

    That's funny!

    But I understand why some would leave right away. The longer we stay on here the more accustomed we become to abuse. .
    I felt the same way when I started posting on Tim's old beyond board..a few welcomed me but a certain select few decided I must be a "Troll" or something and made me miserable..I felt like it was their territory and outsiders were not welcomed. But I stuck around anyway..I was going through a lot with my JW hubby and family and I had quit going to the KH..I needed some support. Thanks to the "good " ones on the board I made it. I picked out the ones with good advice and ignored the ones that didn't. A lot of good links were given to me and advice. Some don't need that as they have no relatives left in the org and can just walk away no problems..others need the support when leaving as I did.

    I wish them well..


  • AGuest
    I love animals too, but I don't visit the Zoo everyday.

    Yes, but you DO expect to see animals there when you do, right, dear sizemik (peace to you!)? Although I can see how you might not have expected it, it really is kind of the same here.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Berengaria

    If you plan to walk hard, do wear the right shoes. I've been having a heck of a time.

  • paul from cleveland
    paul from cleveland

    Murray, I totally disagree with you. I've found this to be a very loving and supportive community. Sometimes we just see what we want to see.

    Like my mother always told me: "Two men looked out from prison bars, the one saw mud the other stars"

  • sizemik
  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep


    Don't expect to find something here that fits all of your expectations.

    It is a forum .... a composite of it's current contributors .... not a religion .... it is whatever it happens to be at this stage of it's evolution. You can be a part of what it is if that is what you choose.

    Chill out and have a coldy


  • sizemik

    That's the best offer I've had all day mate . . . that's twice now you've done that


    Ed; PM'd ya

  • Curtains


    hey me too

    If you start a thread and you want to have a discussion, keep bringing it to the top yourself. people will bite. now let me go see what happpened to my last thread

    edit: actually it is a subject I'm trying to avoid for now

  • sizemik

    LOL Curtains . . . why not?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    sizemik - good points that you started this thread with. Something to keep in mind while visiting here. Sorry to see you go. I am just new here but have enjoyed the balance you bring.

    This really isn't a place for the faint hearted I have to say. Sometimes it seems more like a battle ground.

    It facinates me how people who have come from the same or similar backgrounds go in such different directions.

    It saddens me to see how religions turn people away from God. But everyone has their own search to do and I accept that.

    The anger I have is towards religion, not towards people here but I have to say I probably get a bit hot under the collar myself at comments made. Normally only because religious/atheist beliefs are being pushed as fact. Thats my thing anyway.

    So I wish you all the best.....I will probably be here for a while longer....at least until I don't need to be anymore.

    Loves to ya


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