by watersprout 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • watersprout

    I love you all! Mwah!

    Just a thought though. Why all the topics on trying to prove to theists why there is no God. Parden my thinking but some of you atheists seem hell bent on arguing with the theists. Why can't you accept that some of us believe in God and some of us don't?? I respect your beliefs or non beliefs, whatever you want to call them. You can't pull the evolution card on me cause i am a believer in evolution. *shock horror* Yes that's right you can believe in more than one thing. I just feel that this board is being very watchtower like with the attacks on the theists. Especially the threads started on those that ''hear''. You never see a theist start a thread on atheism. Unless i have missed one then i do apologize. Especially the attacks on certain posters. I'm all for expressing our beliefs, that was something as dubs we were never allowed to do. I love to read about different ones and their beliefs, makes the world a much more interesting place.

    All i'm asking is for some love and peace to flow through some of you. There's really no need for nastiness. Yes you know who you are.

    Peace to you all *Floats away on little pink fluffy cloud*

  • whereami
  • EntirelyPossible

    Just a thought though. Why all the topics on trying to prove to atheists why there is noa God. Parden my thinking but some of you atheists seem hell bent on arguing with the atheists. Why can't you accept that some of us don't believe in God and some of us don't?? I respect your beliefs or non beliefs, whatever you want to call them.


    Two sides, every story, yadda yadda.

  • Finally-Free
    All i'm asking is for some love and peace to flow through some of you.

    Will you settle for a beer instead?


  • watersprout
    Will you settle for a beer instead?

    Not really cause i hate beer! Lol. Now a sweet martini i like!

  • NomadSoul

    April Fool's! Right? lol

  • watersprout

    Being as that was this morning nope! Lol. I'm in the UK.

  • OnTheWayOut

    You're welcome, WS. We are happy to provide you with honest data.

    You never see a theist start a thread on atheism.

    Not gunna bother proving that wrong. Just search.

  • Lozhasleft

    I have to be honest WS - I agree with you - I'm fed up of seeing thread after thread on atheism. So boring. Why not live and let live.

    Loz x

  • NomadSoul

    Religious and Watchtower posts only you damn atheists! Oh yeah, and you political nuts!

    There's no room for you here!

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