by watersprout 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • PublishingCult
    Just a thought though. Why all the topics on trying to prove to theists why there is no God. Parden my thinking but some of you atheists seem hell bent on arguing with the theists. Why can't you accept that some of us believe in God and some of us don't??

    Why have Christians/and other deity believing cults, historically and to this day try in one way or another to shove God down our throats?

  • TheClarinetist

    We love you too, WS!

    Of course, the war goes both ways... The bashing on Christians thread currently going on, for example, is a response to a bashing on Atheists thread. Personally, I have issues with Christians (as a group... I don't extend it to individuals unless I have reason) because I live in the Bible Belt. People constantly thrusting their religion down your throat, especially legislatively, just gets old.

    I do wonder at some of the vehemence on here sometimes, though.

  • tec
    The bashing on Christians thread currently going on, for example, is a response to a bashing on Atheists thread.

    Which one is the bashing on atheists thread?

  • TheClarinetist

    Which one is the bashing on atheists thread?
    This thread appeared a couple of days before the "creationists and evolution" thread. I figured that they were related:

  • tec

    Ah yes. I didn't really think there was anything different about those threads than normal. Some dissolve into the same old generalizations, and some do not... on both sides of the fence.

    I do wish that the atheists who do dismiss anyone who is a believer as being irrational, illogical, ignorant, deluded, child-like, etc... would stop for a moment and think about how arrogant it is. Sort of like atheists being called 'brights'. Like the entire existence before atheism was living in the dark ages... but now we have rational people to "save us" from our delusions.

    I don't like it any better when a believer goes around and says that an atheist has no morals, and can't possibly lead a respectable life or teach their children to be good or moral people. That is just as arrogant.

    Both thoughts are as ignorant and arrogant as the other.

    But hopefully that can change and people will actually simply respect one another, and accept their different beliefs without throwing slings at character.

    But there's a real Christian bashing thread going on (which has really descended into an attack on one single person), and I believe that is what this thread was in response to.


  • TheClarinetist

    Yeah... I had just gotten on and hadn't seen that particular thread yet. Intense.

  • ziddina
    You never see a theist start a thread on atheism.

    You have GOT to be kiddng...

    Like OnTheWayOut said, just do a search...

    In fact, here's a CLASSIC example of such a thread:

  • ziddina
    But there's a real Christian bashing thread going on (which has really descended into an attack on one single person...

    Oh, for Pete's sake...

    If it's the thread that I'm thinking of - and have commented - harshly - on, then you don't have all the facts...

    The "person" being commented on - at this point - claims to have his/her OWN DEITY - that person doesn't even claim to worship the 'god' of the bible - well, not under any names that he is known by, in the bible... That person has totally MADE UP NEW NAMES for his/her deity - which is a form of idolatry according to the bible, if I remember my "Christianity" correctly...

    Plus, that person posts a LOT of text - without making any real points. Eats up a LOT of site space - and although I've usually taken others' advice about "skipping" over his/her posts, the term "skipping" hardly applies...

    One has to use a trans-continental Concorde to get past his/her posts and on to posts stated more succinctly and with greater brevity...


  • tec

    Yeah, not agreeing with someone and not liking them is a good excuse to join a bully thread to put them down. I think I remember that from high school. Lets point fingers at the strange girl in the corner. (can't says strange quiet girl, cause Shelby - love you Shelby - is not that, lol) But yeah, lets TRY and make her feel bad about her way until she conforms and does what the rest of us consider acceptable.

    Say what you want; I'm not commenting on it again on this thread, because we're not going to have TWO Shelby bashing threads on the go at the same time... not at my contribution anyway.

    Immature, bullying and cruel and that is my honest opinion.


  • ziddina

    Lets point fingers at the strange girl in the corner. (can't says strange quiet girl, cause Shelby - love you Shelby - is not that, lol

    can't says strange quiet girl, cause not that

    Damn... I am so glad that YOU said that... And that is the whole point.

    But she's not the only one that thread applies to... There's Renaiaa, Alice in Wonderland, Spade, and how could I forget DJeggnog?

    To give you an opposite example, Chalaam has attitudes similar to Shelby's - but most of the time, he states his point and moves on.

    I don't have to put on my hip-boots to wade thru his posts...

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