by watersprout 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Perhaps we carry 'baggage', having been hurt by a religious organisation. It's hard to know if I can truly be impartial but, even though I am trying to be, I still come to the conclusion that religion and faith are damaging to humanity on both a social and individual level.

    I honestly don't accept that I ever 'attack' individual posters but yes, I am more than happy to attack the poisons that are religious belief and faith.

    Atheism hurts no-one.

  • watersprout

    Faith hurts no one. Religion? Yes it most certainly does.

  • lovelylil



    I have been on/off this board for 7 years now and even if I have a long absence and come back it is the SAME OLD THING! There are two or three threads a day by athiests on this board attacking God, Jesus and the Bible in some way. And I agree the name calling and aggession is always against the believers, who are defending thier position. That is why I often ask the athiest "why do you really care?".

    If someone wants to believe in a faith book and God that you don't believe in, what is it to YOU?

    I also hardly EVER see a Christian starting a thread specifically against athiesm. IF you want to think you are smarter than I am and can think better then fine you can convince yourself of that. The fact is I am well educated and a Christian. Yes, I understand evolution and Abiogenesis and believe in it too. But niether of these prove God does not exist, no matter how hard you try to force it to do so. The simple fact is scientists do not KNOW how matter came into existance in the first place. Yes they have theories, but what is a theory? An educated guess based upon the CURRENT scientific beliefs?

    Peace - and I mean this is a totally non-abnoxious, sincere way. Lilly

  • lovelylil


    Again, AMEN.

    That is why Jesus did not start a religion. There was already plenty of religion in his day. He started a faith! Faith and institutionalized religion are polar opposites.

  • cofty

    Evolution does not disprove the existence of god; it does remove the necessity for god. There are lots of other very good reasons to disbelieve but evolution isn't one of them.

  • watersprout

    Thank you LL... I think that's where some of the problems lie. Religion and faith are put together! Like you say they are polar opposites.

    Peace and thats said in the most geniune way. xx

  • transhuman68

    I think for some of us who were born-in to this cancerous religion, brought up to believe in Jehovah, Satan demons and other hob-goblins, it is a relief to be able to find out what is real and what is not.

    Which god are atheists attacking: the God-in-your-head, Yahweh the demi-god from Mt. Sinai, or the father of Jesus?

    The whole God concept doesn't seem to be very enlightening...

  • NomadSoul


    I said you got riled up. I didn't say you were spiteful. I said people on both sides can be either nice or rude. Please re-read my post.

    So the tone of the people that agree with you is this: Insulting the watchtower and the JW's is fine. But when you insult another religion or even God. That's not okay.

    ASSHOLES! Wah Wah Wah He hurt my feelings!

    Anyways, keep on posting!

  • lovelylil

    You should never insult individual Jehovah's Witnesses. However, insulting the Watchtower $$$ religious institution is fine in my book. They are exploiting their followers for thier own gain. And some of their rules are killing innocent children.

  • NomadSoul

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