So me, of all people, had a religious experience

by sabastious 363 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nickolas

    A little after 5:00 here. I am sure that somewhere its must be getting close to 4:20. Anybody need a light?

    Cannabis user, Robdar?

  • sabastious
    Who needs a ? Anybody?



  • sabastious
    A little after 5:00 here. I am sure that somewhere its must be getting close to 4:20. Anybody need a light?

    Also soon.


  • unshackled

    Now we're getting somewhere on this thread. Cheers!

  • Nickolas

    Seems the thread has gone quiet. Before I leave it, a few personal impressions about the dynamic.

    It has been generally a good conversation that shed some light on some things but there was obviously also some heat generated. I will accept ownership for that part of it that was mine. I was particularly blunt with journeyon and to some extent brotherdan. I certainly could have been more diplomatic and circumspect, and I will strive to better control my miserable, cantankerous and intolerent nature in future. However, my responses to these two contributors, however strong they might have been, were in reaction to what I perceived as ad hominem attacks against the characters of some of the contributors to this thread, including me, rather than attacks on the ideas they were presenting. I will allow that both contributors had something valid to say, however, whereas every one of Robdar's posts was an ad hominem attack contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation, with the exception of his last post, in which he is letting us know he was going to get stoned. I think you have something to say, brotherdan and journeyon and I am genuinely interested in hearing it, just not the overgeneralisations about skeptics and others who are on a different page from you.

    Thanks for the thread, Sab.

  • Robdar
    whereas every one of Robdar's posts was an ad hominem attack contributing absolutely nothing to the conversation, with the exception of his last post, in which he is letting us know he was going to get stoned. I think you have something to say, brotherdan and journeyon and I am genuinely interested in hearing it, just not the overgeneralisations about skeptics and others who are on a different page from you.

    For you to be such an intellectual, Nick, you sure don't pay much attention. I am a woman, always have been, and my personal information posted to the left of my post indicates such. You also jumped to the conclusion that I am a Christian and you were wrong on that. But I can forgive you for being blinded by the light of your brilliant, shiney mind (tongue planted firmlly in cheek).

    Your attacks on me, Journey On and Brother Dan were all ad hominem. And they were done in a haughty, superior manner simply because we do not believe what you tell us to believe. Your intolerance and over generalizations of others who think differently than you is amazing.

    And how you extrapolated from my last post that I was going to get stoned tells me just how much you jump to conclusions. If you jump to conclusion on such a small scale, why shouldn't I think that you jump to conclusions on other bigger subjects such as the existence of God, or spiritual experiences? You don't seem to be very logical and seem to make snap, faith based decisions.

    If you hadn't attacked JO, a lovely poster, I never would have said a peep to you. But no. You had to show your butt to JO and attack her. You attack a friend, I attack you. It's just that simple.

    I know you think you are a big brained thinker, but the way you jump to conclusions makes me suspicious of any so called wisdom you claim to have. I know you think you are wonderful and the sun shines out of your bottom. I don't agree. Sorry if that ruffles your feathers.

    Edited to add: Since you know what 4:20 means, methinks you have used cannibis. Oh my. Surely you are not a hypocrite?

  • sabastious
    Thanks for the thread, Sab.

    This whole experience, including the thread, will be a milestone in my life. Not necessarily because of the possible supernatrual element, but because I had no fear no matter what it ended up being. That gave me the mindset to truly examine what happened. The Watchtower programmed me to be fearful of the unknown and this experience has proven to me that that fear has been tapered down immensely. If this had happened to me 5 years ago my reaction would be extremely different and loaded with useless Watchtower fear.

    I am happy to move on in my life with a brighter hope that we are not alone. I am happy that I know that I can take an honest approach at something that doesn't have an explanation.

    I am also sad for the people still in, the kids mostly. Day in and day out they will be constantly reminded that they have no control over this world. They will constantly be reminded that they are nothing but a miserable sinner and that one day, when God makes them perfect, they will be worth more tha just a drone for an agenda driven publishing company.


  • unshackled

    Side note...I see Google Ads has picked up on the cannabis references (accusations?) on this page. Now we have 'weed' links.
    (By the way...who really cares if one uses cannabis? What are we...JWs or something?)

    Okay...back to the discussion...

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    (By the way...who really cares if one uses cannabis? ...besides elders that is....and the feds.)

    ...and some employers.

    I'm not a user but I am curious why lawmakers have the authority to tell me what natural plants and/or fungus I can't grow in my yard if I take responsibilty for my actions and make sure it doesn't present a danger to others, including my wife, kids, and the general public.

    Also, and more related to the title of the thread, according to studies conducted at Johns Hopkins Medicine, psilocybe mushrooms can produce a "religious" experience. What if I want to connect with another realm spiritually but I'm too dense to pick up on clues of improbability? Too bad. Uncle Sam says no.

  • sabastious
    Too bad. Uncle Sam says no.

    It's been like that for millenia. In the end Uncle Sam is more of the same, but he sure is nicer than, say, the dictator of Libia.


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