Guilt over Self-Pleasuring as a Dub. You?

by Lari 59 Replies latest social relationships

  • Abaddon

    Well, I was alerted to masterbation by the 'Youth' book.

    After that, well, you may as well try to stop breathing.

    But you still feel guilty.

    Stupid unscriptual laws...

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • plmkrzy

    I think they get there reasons from a few scriptures, can't remember OT or NT but they reference to the mulipulation of genitalia as being
    a form of sexual perversion so they conclude that masterbation is the same as munipulation. Or something along those lines. I was raised by an elder.

    You really went to the elders with that???

  • DanielHaase

    DIM, I stand corrected! And I'm sorry I ever brought up the whole "Onan" thing for Christ's sake!

  • cellomould

    Some say quit, or I'll go blind
    but it's just a myth

    Bite my lip and close my eyes
    Take me away to paradise

    ~ Green Day ~

    Now you guys understand these lyrics, eh?!


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • DakotaRed

    In my experiences in life, there are two types people who haven't engaged in the practice. Both are liars. As to feeling guilt over it, maybe if you decide to "bop the baloney" a few times a day, I might be inclined to believe you have a problem. But, an occassional visit to "Rosey Palmer and her four daughters" can't really do harm, in my opinion. After all, since all teens have a fairly active sex drive, placed there at creation, I believe, wouldn't the occassional self release of those pent up emotions be better than actually engaging in what is considered a gross sin?

    On another note, A funny story about my 15 year old JW step-son. At the time, he was about 13. I used to have this little habit of sneaking into the bathroom and catching whever was in their by surprise by throwing a glass of cold water over the shower curtain, but note the step-daughters, for obvious reasons.

    Seems the last time I pulled it on him, I caught him a compromising predicament. As I gently opened the bathroom door, so he wouldn't hear me, I notice him standing in the shower doing you knw what. Well, I'm not one to let a good joke go to waste. So, he got the ice water anyway. Boy, did he yell and screech and shrivel up, fast!

    What I found even funnier, was he threw back the shower curtain to give me what for, and lo and behold, there stood his mother, watching the whole thing. OOPS!!!

    Did it stop him? No, it certainly did not and it wasn't intended to. But, I guess the devil made me do it, right????

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • backout2nite

    Hey Abaddon,
    remember the part in the "youth" book about
    how masterbation leads to homosexaulity?
    I must not have done it enough, because
    I never turned gay

  • ballistic

    Guilt is a nasty emotion. I think I was scarred for life.

  • Englishman

    Anyone got a Kleenex?


    Hey! Now you are an outie, you can dance too!

  • Abaddon

    backout2nite; Maybe that's why I dance so well! I wanked lots! A little more, I would have dress-sense, a flair for interior design and colour coordination, and be gay as the day is long.

    I guess it's too late now. Or maybe I did it enough, but didn;t do it right. Maybe there's a funny way of holding it that makes you gay.

    I know that electromagnetic radiation coming (fnar) from my monitor screen when I read posts by gay people makes me gayer; it's those gay vibes!

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • safe4kids

    No, no guilt because, you see, NOWHERE in the bible are toys prohibited!!

    Ok, in honesty, back when I was a dub, sure I felt guilt. But then, I pretty much felt guilt over everything, which is how the WTS wanted me to feel. How much easier it is to control someone when they feel guilty and ashamed about most aspects of their lives. Combine guilt with the second most powerful human drive and hey presto! you have an extremely useful tool to enforce obedience.

    Dana (of the obedient no longer class)

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