Guilt over Self-Pleasuring as a Dub. You?

by Lari 59 Replies latest social relationships

  • alliwannadoislive

    hey sunbeam

    does your name mean you used to go to the salvation army ?

    just wondering ...

  • voltaire

    I suffered tremendous guilt for years( I'm uptight by nature). It got worse when I was an elder. When other people confessed their sins, I'd always think about mine. Talk about bein' in the proverbial Freud-factory! I'm glad I don't care about their rules anymore.

  • Sunbeam

    Hey alliwanna

    Where do you get that from?

    No, my long-suffering husband, now he's a confirmed ex-JW, likes to kid that now I'm a Christian (long, complicated story), Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.


  • Billygoat

    Hi Lari!

    Welcome to the board. Wow you just jump right into these fun topics, don't you?

    I felt guilty all the time, but I remember it being called "self-abuse". Are they still calling it that? Anyways, I felt guilty for years for doing it, but somewhere along the lines the guilt stopped. I'm a firm believer that to have a good sex life you have to self-pleasure. How else are we supposed to know what makes us happy???


  • JWinSF

    Yup, was racked with self-guilt. I was an elder and was able to get to the point where it was once or twice a month. But, even so, I felt self-condemned. I stupidly went to some other elders who then went to the CO. They said for me to work on controlling it and that they would be there to help me. Well, they never once asked how I was doing until about one year later. The same CO brought up the question and the PO came to me asking me if I'd gotten it under control [the first time he ever inquired in one year, let alone help me]. I said no, that it still occasionally occured. He said that either I'd have to step down or be removed. So, I chose to step down. That way, it would look better.

    I remember the CO saying that one way I could get control over it would be to marry. Yeah, right. I was a gay man [not known to them at the time] and celibate. I had no options, other than to go into a sham marriage, and probably still J.O.

    Funny thing, after the CO visit, another single, somewhat older elder came to me on the side and said "I really don't think that they should have you step down over this. It's a personal matter." That told me right then and there that he was probably jerking off as well and was wise enough not to tell them.

  • Francois

    Guilt over wacking off, spanking the monkey, chasing Susan, slapping the Pope? That vile practice? That self worship? That selfish vice? That preversion of nature?

    No. Not for even a second. I was BAD to jerk off.

    My mother told me I'd go blind. I said, "Can I just do it 'till I need glasses?"

    But then, I never bought any of that JW bullshit, except the part about there being no hell. And I believed that because it was expedient. Given that I was wacking off like a monkey in a zoo.

    Is that what you wanted to know?


  • GoldDustWoman
    Can I just do it 'till I need glasses?


    Good one! Francois.


    You can take a whore to water, but you can't make her think-Dorothy Parker

  • DanielHaase

    JWs are one of the last religions to believe in "Onanism". They still strictly give attention to the story of Onan being struck down by Jah for "spilling his seed". But back then people thought semen contained little people! Anyway, the truth is, the vast majority of witnesses masturbate. Some feel guilty, some not. I did at times, but I got to the point where I didn't care. How many did it in the KH bathroom?

  • SixofNine

    Daniel, I dont' know where you got that idea about JW's believing in onanism, but it isn't from any current teachings of the WT society.

    Lari, welcome to the forum. Big time guilt here. I managed to get it down to 2 or 3 times a day, but the guilt stayed with me for a long, long time, lol.

    I remember when a WT came out saying that there was no need to worry about it being the "unforgivable sin", as it wasn't even explicitly mentioned in the bible (although it was still very wrong). What a relief. When they tell you that repeated sin, even due to weakness, is a sign of lack of repentance, you wonder about yourself.

    Worthless asshole of a religion.

    Six- guilt free for 1.5 years, and no, I didn't stop.

  • Billygoat

    LOL@Francois!!! That's awesome!!!


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