Guilt over Self-Pleasuring as a Dub. You?

by Lari 59 Replies latest social relationships

  • Beans

    The first time I blew was with this girl on my street who gave me a hand job in my garage I was 13years old! I thought it was terrible Jehovah would not approve, and I wasn`t really sure what happened well then she did it again and wow it felt good man!So then I started doing it myself and it didn`t feel wrong it felt normal so I thought screw you Jehovah this is normal and I`m gonna stroke my bone whenever I want!

  • Prisca

    DanielHaase is correct regarding the WTS teching "onanism".

    They teach that since Onan "spilled his seed" (pulled out before ejeculation) when he was suposed to be impregnating his sister-in-law (after his brother's death), that is the reason why Jehovah killed him.

    They reason that since Jehovah saw this (wastage of the sperm) as a great sin, then he must view masturbation in the same light.

    I guess that means that it's ok for the sisters to "pleasure themselves" since we dont spill sperm?

    As for me, I felt guilty for a little while, but realised it was a normal part of human sexuality, and had no hang-ups about it after that. I think it's blasphemy to imply it's something dirty and sinful, when the Bible forbids things like having sex with animals, yet is silent about a very personal and private practice.

    My 2 cents.

  • seedy3

    I think I started pounding my pud when I was about 12, I had heard fromt he publications how bad it was and such but I never really took it to heart. Then one District Assembly we went to really had a big deal about it. They said it cause all sorts of falicies, like bad memory and such. After the assembly I remember thinking about what they had said and how much it seemed to apply to me. I put it in my head that I had to stop this "Unhealthy" act. As much as I tried (I obstained for as muchas 6 months one time LOL) I just couldn't totally stop. Eventually, it seemed, I felt I was becoming identical to the decription that the assmebly said, IT WAS TERRIBLE!!! I wuold think about the assmebly's words and then it would almost make me want to do it more (LOL), WOW I am such a terrible person, but what the hey, I had fun doing it

    seedy (sometimes I still pound it for old times sake)

  • SixofNine
    They teach that since Onan "spilled his seed" (pulled out before ejeculation) when he was suposed to be impregnating his sister-in-law (after his brother's death), that is the reason why Jehovah killed him.

    Well, yeah, they teach that. As does anyone with reading comprehension who believes the bible story.

    But they most certainly DO NOT equate that with masturbation, nor have they in a VERY long time.

    DanielHaase is incorrect regarding the WTS teaching "onanism".

  • Seeker

    One point I find interesting that hasn't been commented on is how the Society's teachings on this subject made Lari write "self-pleasuring" and "getting yourself off" instead of "masturbation." That use of euphemisms is itself a telling sign of the guilt that is put on this subject.

    Welcome, Lari, glad to see you beginning to put such nonsense behind you.

  • speechless

    I just reasoned with God, what He rather see me do? F*CK every woman whom I lusted or jerk-off to elimate the lust (ie, the sin). I felt I was doing a good deed every time I masturbated!

  • Prisca


    I will tell the brothers who gave talks on this subject in my cong DURING THE 90s that their info is old hat, since you think that the Society no longer associates Onanism with masturbation.

  • SixofNine

    Please do. Tell them they are even bigger idiots than average.

    You have to reach pretty far back to get onanism=masturbation out of the society literature. You can however, find them saying that in fact it (masturbation) is not equivalant to "onanism".

  • Satanus

    I did it since before i can remember. Wicked from the womb, i guess. Later on i felt terrible guilt from practicing it. I even thought a bit about castration. Then, i managed to quit for about 5 yrs. I became an ms and got an duedenal ulcer. After that is started masterbating again. I confessed. The elders set up the kindly arrangement of having me report to one of them. It didn't help, and i was given the oportunity of stepping down. So, i stepped down kept masterbating, and my ulcer went away. After practicing at it for years, i'm quite good at it now.

    I realise now, that going for help on this matter to an elder who is getting sex regularly is stupid, hypocritical even. The only one qualified to help on this matter would be someone who is totally celibate.


    The way you were introduced to it, you were truly blessed.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Sounds like the elders gave you a hard time? Did they ask you if you wanted to come out in service with them? They didn't offer you any way to beat the habit? Its a good think they didn't give you a good spanking. I think what you needed was a good stiff drink. LOL

    Anyway I remember meeting with the elders and how they ask me all these personal questions. I am sure the old farts were getting excited right there. The probably went into the washroom after and whacked off themselves. Did it make me stop?? Nah I am still that sick depraved sinner.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

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