Nugget and Cantleave are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses

by cantleave 148 Replies latest members private

  • Heaven

    you had to go through all that trouble just to attempt to keep a congregation "clean" of two people who dont even attend the congregation.

    They keep proving Outlaw correct.... The Watchtower is run by Idiots!

  • Gerard

    It is awsome that you two are together with your children. Many ex-JWs don't have that.

  • yknot

    I want to make a good use of words but I can't....

    Yall have been an inspiration to many!

    Love and support to yall and the nugglets during this totally unnecessary tribulation......

    (note to spies: I hope to see a nice thread of apology in this matter very soon, sometimes it takes events like this to see the full measure of things)

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I'll never understand why they need to take the whole df'ing thing to this level. Nugget & cantleave - sorry for your trouble and potential family issues. In time, I'm sure you'll come through this stronger.

  • nolongerwaiting

    Best wishes to your whole family.

    NLW's wife

  • nugget

    quick update on yesterday. I was out most of the morning looking for a compass for my son. When I got home I had received several calls from one of the elders concerned. This was after I had made it clear that I had no interest in participating in their decision making process. It seemed they thought I should and called repeatedly through the day to the point that I wanted to unplug the phone but couldn't in case anyone important called. I have stated that they should pm me with anything they wish to say that is the only acceptable method of contact.

    I have sought legal advice and will be meeting with a solicitor later this week to see if there is any legal remedy. They have gone from loving concern to harrassment and it is affecting my son. We withdrew from meetings because it was detrimental to him and this is not helpful.

    At 6pm I went out to an after school club with the children and then took them out for tea mainly to avoid any more calls. I apologise to anyone who did try to call but if I didn't recognise the number I didn't pick up. Now they are using secret when they call.

    My father is being a real treasure and most of my family are incredibly supportive. Blood is for the most part is thicker than water. In fact it is my zealous jw sister that is seen as the one behaving badly. I have explained that her lack of compassion is just the brain washing kicking in but my Dad is very angry with her.

    My neighbours have been horrified by what has happened and they have called and told me if I need someone to come and back me up they will come over straight away. At 9:30 pm I got another call from a secret number and I answered the phone. An elder told me he had to speak to me and I said to him "No you don't. In fact this is now a legal matter and I have been advised not to talk to you." I put the phone down on him. No more calls since.

    Hopefully things will calm down a little today as I am incredibly tired, my work is suffering and my children need some peace and quiet. I hope elders appreciate that relentless pressure is not love it is bullying and rather than making me sad and sorry it is making me angry and motivating me down a legal route.

    Hopefully I will have a peaceful day.

  • Hairyhegoat

    Kick thier ass Nugget!! Elders shame on you, who do you think you are the police or something? You morons!!


  • hotspur

    Hi Nugget - sorry one of those calls was me. Your home phone came up first in my list rather than Cantleave's mobile - apologies, I knew better than to add to your woes. I know what those idiots can be like when trying to get their 'court' in motion.

    Why not ask why this is not being heard 'at the public gate' like all the ancient elder meetings were? Why is it secret?

    It might be worthwhile searching for one of the 'cease and desist' letters many have had success with. Take a copy of one to your lawyer/solictor. I believe there is a good one which actually, legally, forces them never to take the disfellowshipping action and announcement. If I get the time I'll have a look for it myself.

    Take Care


  • dozy

    Puzzling that the elders want to speak to you and are making such efforts to contact you. I wonder what they want to discuss , bearing in mind that the meeting that you had with them was fairly conclusive as far as evidence to DF was concerned. Is it "one last heave" to try to help you? Or is there some ambiguity between what they perceive as Cantleave's attitude and yours?

    I wonder whether the statement about legal action will have any effect? Actually I doubt it - presumably the elders will contact the legal desk at Millhill who will tell them that there is no legal case to answer.

  • boyzone

    Hang in there dear Nugget - your doing a great job protecting yourself and the children from these idiots! Here's to a peaceful day

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