Who Is The WORST Politician That You Can Recall?

by minimus 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • amicus

    I wonder if anyone has run numbers on how many Native Americans were murdered...bet we beat out Hitler. Jewish genocide was small time compared to the long term murder of the real Americans.

  • amicus

    Worst as compared to what?

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  • BizzyBee

    Aside from dictators and tyrants.......currently, the man known as the laziest man in Washington and a barfly to boot - our new speaker, John Boehner.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The statement that Pol Pot was so bad b/c he killed the intelligentsia troubles me. I had a taxi driver once who was Chinese. He was so animated and upset I could not understand him. He was near tears. I thought he was going to punch the dash board out. He was an intellectual who was lucky to escape the Cultural Revolution. I could not understand his "l"s but figured it out after I exited. I am an elitist in many ways. Every human life is equally precious to me. Slaves deserve to live as much as Oxbridge grads. It is a slippery slope to hold certain people have more value than others. Hitler crossed the line.

    Of course, a strategic view would be that nations need their intellectual capital. I tend a place a very large value on artists. All these tolitarian countries and religions hate academics. The Soviet Union, China, Cambodia. I don't know about Nazi Germany, Italy or Japan. I fall short of my own values which is probably just human.

  • Farkel

    :Aside from dictators and tyrants.......currently, the man known as the laziest man in Washington and a barfly to boot - our new speaker, John Boehner.

    Hide and watch. You'll see how lazy he is in short order.

    Another ad homimem. You are so prolific with them. Zero substance. Just personal attacks.

    Speaking of barflies, Bill Clinton should have had Ted Kennedy drive Paula Jones home.

    You and Pelosi Galore can now ride into the sunset with your insane views on how America should work. You both won't find many cheerleaders as you depart, though.


  • jaguarbass

    Both Bush's Dumb and Dumber and their side kick Chaney.

  • peacefulpete

    Honestly it is disgusting that people like Blair, Carter, Bush and Obama should be compared to the Stalins and Hitlers of history. Really, really bad form. Policy disagreement ought not be equated to pogroms, genocide and despotism. And civil persons interested in peaceful improvement don't use such rhetoric.

  • BizzyBee

    Actually the 112th Congress is going to be very amusing. First day - they failed at the simple task of reading the Constitution ("the pages got stuck together!") Then, they failed to swear in two new members (who raised their hands on TV!) because they were attending a swearing-in fund-raiser (gives you an idea of the priorities ahead!). Boehner is in over his head on day one. No wonder - he's used to playing golf and then hitting the bars by 5 pm on the average day.

    Where are the jobs, Mr. Boehner? Goddammnit!

  • Farkel

    :First day - they failed at the simple task of reading the Constitution ("the pages got stuck together!")

    Well. Name one day, ANY day in the last 100 years where any Democratic controlled Congress EVER read the United States Constitution in open session.

    You can't. It has never happened. Why is that? Yet again, your silly anecdotes are designed to obfuscate what the new leaders of the House are trying to accomplish: the government works for the people and the Constitution says so whether the pages are sticky or not.

    You obviously hate this Country. Otherwise, you would be thrilled that the new House would care so much about the Constitution that they would make sure the rest of the House heard it being read, some of them for the first time.

    You are trying to make a mockery of a noble act, and THAT is why I'm fairly certain you hate that document and you hate what it really stands for.

    Am I calling you a traitor? You are goddamned right I'm calling you a traitor. But only if you think that Constitution is not the Supreme Law of the land and trumps all do-gooder intentions of politicians and States who think their agenda is above and more important than the Constitution.

    If you do think the Constitution is THE Supreme Law of the land and does trump all Socialistic notions of fairness and equality, then I do not think you are a traitor. But you'd better admit you agree with that notion, or my charge still stands.


  • watson

    Well put Peaceful Pete.

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