Start preparing now for 2011 memorial night demonstration ! Sunday, April 17, 2011, after sundown

by koolaid-man 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • ProdigalSon

    I could never down the glass of wine they use at my old hall, it's cheaper shit than Soave Bolla poured into a more expensive bottle. It only ends up in the drain anyway and they know it.

  • zombie dub
    zombie dub


  • nicolaou
    Come out from behind your computer screens and make yourself visible. Stop hiding in fear of The Watchtower. If everyone would protest The Watchtower would be out of business tomorrow!

    I recommend a few minutes thinking time between writing something like this and hitting the 'Submit' button

  • besty

    local action = local results - YMMV, but you will look like a bitter and twisted apostate 'hater' for sure.... = 100,000 articles read each and every month thanks to the efforts of Randy and a few others.

    I know how my time is best spent, and its behind a computer screen - if that means I'm open to the accusation of hiding in fear of the WTS then I can live with that jibe, ironically delivered from behind a computer screen....

  • besty

    If everyone would protest The Watchtower would be out of business tomorrow!

    If everyone would post a photo of themselves every time they post on JWN the pages would load a lot slower for everyone else...

    everyone following a bad idea doesn't turn it into a good idea...

    EDIT - in the photo in question the protestor is front and centre in a somewhat 'come to Jesus' pose, the banners are background windowdressing for the main event...things that make you go hmmmmmm...

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Where I live if someone was to do that they would only make the JW's look good. Demonstrationing plays right into their hands, none of the interested ones would look at you because they are buffeted by the JW's

    There are so many more dignified ways to show the truth for what it is, to expose the WT then standing in front of the KH and making a seen.

    Did all the years protesting at the conventions do any good I ask you? Did it put the Watchtower out of business the next day? No!


  • koolaid-man

    I have already explained the picture of me coming up each time, I have been assigned a ugly gravatar and cannot change it. So what you are seeing is my avatar. As for me saying....... Come out from behind your computer screens and make yourself visible. Stop hiding in fear of The Watchtower. If everyone would protest The Watchtower would be out of business tomorrow! I PERSONALLY FEEL IT WOULD BE OUT OF BUSINESS! Look at what is happening in the mid east, also check out the protests going on as I write in Wisconsin. PROTESTING WORKS! MAY THE NAY-SAYERS STOP UNDERMINDING AND RIDICULING in an intent to weaken or cause to collapse the most powerfull weapon of protesting by removing underlying support. Stand tall,speak up and we will all be waving " The Flag Of Victory"

  • nicolaou

    One thing at a time. You CAN change your gravatar, here's how;

    Go to and register an account using the same email address you used to sign up here at JWN.

    Choose a password and username etc then go to 'my account' on and click 'add an image'.

    Add an image, rate it and wait for 10 minutes or so. Your avatar on this website will change to whatever you uploaded.

    I'll address the rest of your post later . . . . .

  • superpunk

    lol @ protesting being "inappropriate". Yeah god forbid anyone put a blight on cult proceedings with peaceful protest.

    I think if there were enough protests, and big enough, it would get decent media attention. Could be something to appear in the local paper. Which may not do anything for indoctrinated cult members, but might inform other members of the community what this cult is really all about the next time they come knocking at the doors.

    Different strokes, but as long as noone's getting hurt I don't see how drawing attention to the awful practices of this cult on their "most sacred night" is inappropriate at all.

  • james_woods

    You know, it is bad enough to have wasted whatever time we spent in the watchtower society...but, it is worse to spend the rest of your life acting like an idiot after you are out of it.

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