I destroyed @30 jw's today in field service

by JunkYardDog 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • IbenLyed2

    Like others have already stated... to each his own. Everyone is at a different place and each one of us would handle it differently.

    However, that being said, I personally would not go this route. I would hope that 40 years from now, I will not have that much bitterness left. The WT$ has already sucked enough time, energy, and emotion out of me.

    Those of us who were in for a long time or raised..err..brainwashed.... from birth realize that a reaction like that from an "apostate" only leaves the JW feeling righteously justified. And then they say to themselves..."That's why the society has such strong counsel to stay away from all "apostate" thinking" This behaviour likely reinforces the "apostate is a boogeyman, more to be feared than Satan himself" mentality that the WT$ likes to foster. At least that's how I know I would have felt about such an encounter 3 years ago. At that time, (when I was still a gung ho JW), an "apostate" would have fit that exact description: a middle-age raving lunatic who was borderline psychotic. Easily dismissed.

    A sublte seed of doubt is likely to go further.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • ColdRedRain

    Details or you're faking it.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    C'mon, you guys!

    I know most of you live in Mayberry RFD, but some of us have had experience in real CITIES, not the villages and towns and pony express stops that so many of you seem to call home.

    In NEW YORK CITY, for example, it is not uncommon, EVEN TODAY, to find large gaggles of Dub-geese waddling through neighborhoods, making the sidewalks slick with their slimy detritus (The WATCHTOWER and AWAKE!)

    And although most of you might lack the testicular fortitude to address a crowd of dubs-in-field-circus from atop Mars Hill, not all are cut from that same "mild-mannered" yellow cloth.

    ...another thing - not everyone who is capable of recognizing the WATCHTOWER CULT was once a member. Put that in your pipe and contemplate it.

    Doubtfully Yours, since you're obviously so spiritually strong, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and engage Junk Yard Dog in a debate? You ought to be able to defeat him handily, since you have your spiritual suit of armor and Jehovah's Magic Spirit is upon you.


    I eagerly await your list of excuses for not doing this.

    I know Junk Yard Dog - you haven't got a chance against him!

    Mouthy - I know you have addressed high school auditoriums about the danger from cults. You and JYD are fighting the same fight. In fact, weren't you disfellowshipped for not accepting the good news of 1914? I know you were.

  • BurnTheShips
    30 witnesses on one street? I dont think so.

    I've seen it before. Been part of the group too. You might not see that in some places, but in the city we would.

    I wish every block had a JunkYardDog. If they can walk down the street and preach their idiocy, then I can go out and tell them why they are wrong.

    Imagine a JYD on every street, the WT Zombies would get shut down.


  • sabastious
    The WT$ has already sucked enough time, energy, and emotion out of me.

    Welcome! IbenLyed2 You seem to have a great attitude, I look forward to more posts :)


  • jookbeard

    JYD; fool you've seen more Dubs in FS in one hit then most of us have seen in decades , JYD a sight of 30 odd Dubs in one go even with the most fiercest CO does not happen these days , never ever.

  • BurnTheShips

    Used to happen in Downtown Miami. But that was over 15 years ago. JWs everywhere, in all the shopping centers. I don't know what its like these days, but the Miami area crawls with dubs, especially in spanish neighborhoods.

    I once went in and defeated an army of Jehovistines with nothing other than an asses jawbone.


  • HappyDad

    As soon as I read JYD's thread, the first thing I thought of was Johnny Cip and some of you guys also thought this. Then I thought Danny Hazzard, but Danny would only use his own name. So who really is JYD?


  • jam

    Two years after I was baptize, I was doing street work. A old drunk came up

    to us and begain spouting off, where do you think the money go from the

    selling of your magazines. I tell you some rich fat cat in NY. I never forgot

    those words.


    Nathan and Burns say it`s possible in a Big City..LOL!!..

    OK then..

    Thats good enough for me..

    ......................... ...OUTLAW

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