help.. urgently a friend has spirits in her house priest removed then can they come to me if she s in my home.

by suzanne.dickenson 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    [Ah, BP (peace to you!)... got someone on your mind... and heart? Moi, perhaps? And why is THAT, may I ask? I mean, no one was even thinking of me (and certainly not thinking of following me)... until you brought me up. Why? This dear poster made no mention of me. Indeed, the post had absolutely nothing to do with me. So, why am I even a thought, here? Why... haven't you moved your mind and heart on... from upon me?? I think it's because you cannot. You have "me" on the brain. But whose fault is that, though? Why would someone as "enlightened" as you apparently believe yourself to be... even bother to THINK of someone such as me? I am not worthy of even a modicum of your consideration... and yet, you are still considering. Me. Well, methinks you are like the hypocrites of old in your thinking of me: you don't want anyone else to think of me... yet, yourself cannot seem to stop.

    May I suggest you look at those three fingers pointing back at you, dear one? Or take an extra moment or two the next time you look in the mirror? Because you don't want to be like the man who does look... and then goes off and immediately FORGETS what he looks like... do you?

    Oh, and if you deny that it is me you were referring to, everyone here will truly know that's lie. Which won't go any better with you than your other false statements. So, please, take care: because your [totally unfounded, totally unnecessary, and totally unwarranted] jealousy is showing... again.

    Again, peace to YOU! I do indeed wish you have peace... which you might, if you would stop worrying and being anxious... over me.

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who will now refrain from further "hijacking" activities here; however, given some of the responses is thinking that perhaps the short reprieve might actually be welcome...

  • ldrnomo


    I'm sitting out on my back porch with some spirits right now. Do you want me to ask them what to do?


    Flipper, they were the same kind of spirits you were with when you made contact.

  • cyberjesus

    I am more comfortable with Uranus the evil than Saturn the devil.

  • serein

    id be more scared of every one on this web site than a spirit

    to come on here is more scary, with the amount or greif some people get,

    i cant spell cos im dislexic and im a crap speller and yer i should us the spell checker but i dont cos carnt be botherd most of time,

    and i dont care if u lot diss me i can take it

    but there is one thing that realy gets to me and thats people with no respect for others,

    u know like the wits have towards people of the world

    i think some of u may have carried some of that disrespect with u from them.

  • mrsjones5

    well what a discusting web site, you are all oviously not jehovahs witnesses to answer like you have shows how sick the world is I will now remove myself.

    What a waste of bandwidth...this topic, not this site

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Before you go assassinating the character of a newbie on the the basis of one or two posts, why not just ask yourself ...... if this person is genuine and I scare him/her off ...... have I just helped the Watchtower?

    My JW missus was so much 'help' to one of her studies that the lady burned her house down to get rid of the demons, with herself still in it.

    These people need psychiatric help, not scaring back into their cults.

  • Nickolas

    Many cannot even read. Most... don't know punctuation and sentence structure. And, depending on your age...

    Bad form to start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction, AGuest.

    Suzanne, please accept my personal apology on behalf of the unfeeling, lowbrow cretins on this board. Some will make a joke of anything, anything at all. They have no respect for people's feelings, I am sad to say. However, you should not be worried that a demon was touching the children. Probably just an elder, or maybe a circuit overseer. Lot of that going around, apparently.

  • Nickolas

    I am more comfortable with Uranus

    Yeah, I'm comfortable with it, too. Except the day after I eat Mexican.

  • AGuest
    Bad form to start a sentence with a coordinating conjunction, AGuest.

    I know, dear Nikolas (peace to you!) and I hate when I do it. But I am admittedly verbose and so sometimes like to post as I hear other people speak. This is about as far down as I can break it without being fake. I am already accused of being condescending when I "speak" here (yet, talking over others' heads - you know, the whole "damned if I do, damned if I don't" thing), so I just do my best. And try to state only what's true... or at least funny (although the latter may be limited to my perspective).

    I don't, however, believe poor spelling, poor grammar, unfamiliarity with certain words or terms, etc., however, automatically deems one as insincere. Whole lot of JW folk don't have an adequate grasp of English... or any other language, for that matter. As I stated somewhere else, if it doesn't include the words "Faithful and Discreet Slave, " "theocratic," "millenial reign," "field service," "ministry school," "Bethel," "Watchtower"... and words like these, it is reasonable to bet it isn't a word/term known to them.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Nickolas

    Peace back atcha, SA.

    A slave of hedonistic debauchery,


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