help.. urgently a friend has spirits in her house priest removed then can they come to me if she s in my home.

by suzanne.dickenson 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Violia


    I am going to believe you are real until you say you are not. The reason is many years ago I came on this board with situation in which I thought I was being harassed by demons. I took a real verbal/ written unecessary beating by the board members.

    I'lll be nicer b/c you probably are sitting there praying and scared. First, if the demons wanted to kill you they could. IF Jehovah wanted to He could. They want. I say this to help you get some reality. You are scaring youself to death. It is called hysteria. It feels just like the real thing.

    If you can remove yoursef to a friends house and just put some time and distance it would help. Just keep saying this" If Satan is all poweful , why would he want a crummy job like scaring a bunch of kids by touching them? " For heavens sake, get a better job. All sarcarsm aside, if praying makes you feel better, do it and loudly and long remove yoursef from your mom's home.

    I would lthen find a therapist and tell them what you told us. It is not your fault. Believing in demons does not make you crazy if is a part of a religion you grew up with and everyone believed it. So JWS fit that criteria.

    so I guess the spelling police will pull out their big yellow highlighter. :) for me.

    hang on if you are for real, we can help you.

    If you are joking , line up so we can all kick your arse.

  • Scully

    oh if it's only "Saturn" the devil, then you're in luck. It's his brother Satan that's the problem.

    Sorry if you're actually serious. My advice is to go to the emergency room and tell this experience to the on-call emergency psychiatry resident. You need some heavy duty medication to bring you back to reality.

  • thetrueone

    Why would you come here at the biggest anti-JW site in the world, you must know we are all agents

    of Saturn the Devil. He pays the bills around here you know.

    Call these guys they might be able to help you out.

  • cyberjesus

    Ok I am here so there is nothing to fear! I am the official exorcist of JWN. Just give me more details about this demons or if they are dead spirits. Once I know more then I can do an e-Xorcism! is online you need to have a good bandwith on your internet connection because if dont sent my energy fast enough then the demons win and instead of kicking them out they get inside you or they get online and then its a real bitch finding them.

    CYBERJESUS is here!

  • 1Robinella

    Wow...why so freeked out? JW's really did a number on you...are you scared of the dark too?

    Perfect example of fear teachings of the JW's. Why do they always assume it's a bad spirit? Hmmmm...sounds closed minded to me. But it kind of sounds like your joking around. I can't tell for sure.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Sister, you've landed on the wrong planet!

  • jamiebowers

    Jesus, Scully, you crack me up! And the rest of you are nuts too!

  • garyneal
    oh if it's only "Saturn" the devil, then you're in luck. It's his brother Satan that's the problem.

    I've personally experienced the wrath of Satan of Saturn back in the 1980's. He is certainly a formidable adversary.

    Nevermind, it was Satan's Hollow that had the more formidable adversary. My mistake...

  • FlyingHighNow

    Welcome, Suzanne, I think spirits have only the power that you give them.

  • jookbeard

    the chikdren are always vulnerable from attacks by Saturn

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