help.. urgently a friend has spirits in her house priest removed then can they come to me if she s in my home.

by suzanne.dickenson 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • fokyc

    You need help!

    The spirits will come with this woman to your party and probably take over.

    Just don't allow her to come to the party or her children.

    Seek urgent help from the local congregation of JW's; they will help you see the error of your ways.

  • serein

    no spirits will come with her to ur house,its all rubish theyl only come in ur house if uv called on em or some one else did befor u moved in,

    and thats only what iv heard,

    also if u beleive what jws say then all u have to do is call on jehovahs and hel protect u all and ur home,

    and anyways if u new she was having probs like this why did u invite her in first place,

    id have said sorry but u cant come, and u should understand being as uv got em,and i dont want em

    but its all rubish its only u who can open urself up to them so dont

  • suzanne.dickenson

    well what a discusting web site, you are all oviously not jehovahs witnesses to answer like you have shows how sick the world is I will now remove myself.

  • fokyc


    Well you did come here and you did ask, didn't you?

    I think it is actually YOUR post which shows how sick parts of the world really are!

  • nugget


    You do not need to fear, firstly the woman who was haunted is confident that the ghost has gone. Her belief and hysteria is no longer fueling the situation and so things are likely to remain calm. She does not carry the ghosts around on her person as Ghost whisperer may have led you to believe so cannot bring them to your home and pose a risk to your family.

    That being said part of the JW religion is a fear of Satan the Devil and his demons. We are brought up to believe in the very reality of these things. It is no wonder that this part of their teachings has remained with you. However although there are unexplained things in life there is no demon army seeking to terrorize children. Think about that logically how demeaning that would be for an all powerful spirit creature.

    Someone said earlier that they only have the power we give them. Our fears and imaginations fuel hysteria and make us experience things that terrify us. Give you friend a hug tell her you are glad she is no longer being haunted and move on from there. You would not like your fears to refuel her hysteria all over again.

    For yourself it may be time to think things over rationally and realise that not everything you were taught is true. Many on the board once believed in Demons as you do now they can see that there is no sound basis for such a fear. That is why the responses on the most part have been so amusing. It may be time to put away your childish fears.

  • darthfader

    Your first post offered no credibility as to who you were... Anyone can come on this board and make an initial post and say just about anything (some stuff gets deleted, but most stands as intact). If you took any time to look at the contents of this site, you would know that this site is mostly contributed to my Ex Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I think the best advice anyone can give you (as stated by a FhyingHighNow): "I think spirits have only the power that you give them"

    I sincerely hope you have peace.

  • shepherd

    Saturn haunting kids....that is so funny.

    Doesn't the new elders manual have a chapter 13 for performing exorcisms?...oh no, sorry, that is in Harry Potter.........

  • mkr32208

    What!? REALLY? This can't be a real thread, this is like BEYOND retarded.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I feel like this thread is a sad testament to what the Borg does to people and how lives are affected even decades after they leave if they don't get the help and support they need.

    This person still believes in all the worst parts of Dub teaching and culture and it is sick and sad.

    I know it seems funny but would it have hurt to actually help her? I'm pretty disappointed in this group right now.

  • nugget

    Mad Sweeney I appreciate that there may have been little fellow feeling on this post but some responses have tended to be serious and have tried to be helpful. They have been a little swamped but any poster who spells so badly as to make it seem like a spoof needs to take some responsibility for what they get.

    We are all a little suspicious and paranoid at times they see demons we see trolls and occasionally smurfs it all depends what we're on at the time.

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