help.. urgently a friend has spirits in her house priest removed then can they come to me if she s in my home.

by suzanne.dickenson 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    And someone claims to "hear" from Jesus Christ but no one's allowed to mock her...

  • jookbeard

    Suzanne , we in the most part could be classified as Jehovah's Witnesses, most here may agree that the name of the Hebrew God of the Old Testament could resemble something close to Jeehovahh and we may be witness to it, 99.9% though of this board would agree that The Watchtower Society is a dangerous high controlling religious cult in which the world should be warned about.

    Suzanne ; just a tiny weeny bit of advice; get to know how to use a spell checker



    If you want to scare away spirits, dress as a gladiator. It works for me.

    Trouble is it scares away most people too, even on this forum!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    that was odd... did she not know this was a site to heal from being a JW? oh well maybe she read somthing that will wake her up

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Suzanne, no need to believe in demons - they only exist in your mind.

    If you are a good, honest, Christian person you have nothing to fear.

  • wasblind

    " If you are a good, honest, Christian person you have nothing to fear."

    and the key word is "IF"

  • Violia

    This thread, if real, is exactally why a real jws would never come to us looking for help. We would heckle them to death. I did at least offer the possibility it might be real. And it might. Jws are not crazy for believing in demons. If an entire religion whatever believes in something, then it is not considered crazy to also believe it.

    I was treated as bad and fought back. Some members stepped in to help me. Suzzanne, If you are a jws and need help, come on back. The mods should stop a lot of the really bad heckling.

    so if suaaane is real, mod sqad, that is all of us really, do our job by assuming that she probably really did think this was a real jws site. It after all does say that.

  • jookbeard

    suzanne dickenson;

    you have a PM

  • chickpea

    massive numbers of people believe there are entities that
    exist on a realm no human and have questionable motives!

    Catholic bishops: More exorcists needed

    oh yeah, they are organized too...... someone really ought to welcome them to the 21st century


    I t freaked me out oviously its saturn the devil or his spirits,.....SD

    Saturn the Devil..

    ............................. ...OUTLAW

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