Can we understand the Bible without the Watchtower?

by brotherdan 111 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • superpunk

    PSAC - that's exactly my point. It's all nonsense. You really think an ALL KNOWING God couldn't come up with a better solution for the redemption of mankind than sacrificing himself to himself to pacify himself?

    :P It's all the same.

  • PSacramento
    PSAC - that's exactly my point. It's all nonsense. You really think an ALL KNOWING God couldn't come up with a better solution for the redemption of mankind than sacrificing himself to himself to pacify himself?

    Dude, you've been reading too many of those demotivational posters.

    No one sacrificed himself to himself to pacify himself, LMAO !

  • superpunk

    I'm sure there is a clever theological way to word it so it doesn't sound so foolish (after all "sanitation engineer" sounds alot better than "janitor"), but that's it in a nutshell.

  • PSacramento

    My view is this ( note I say MY VIEW, LOL):

    Humans chose to be seperate from God, to not "need" God, in our pride we decided ( like Adam and Eve) that we were "God" and that we don't need him and as such, we are broken because we function much better with God then without him.

    There is no way for US to get "up there" with God so God came "down here" to us and showed us what life can be like with God "abiding in us", a life of Love and compassion of fullfilment, but one that, because of what we have done to his world, we can't have right now but that will be ours eventually.

    Christ's sacrifice was God's ultimate act of love, for he so loved the world that his only-begotten son died for us to be able to have God live in us though the merciful gift of Grace.

    What man "killed" with his pride and arrogance, God ressurected in Christ.

    To me, that is it in a nutshell.

  • superpunk

    Humans chose to be seperate from God, to not "need" God, in our pride we decided ( like Adam and Eve) that we were "God" and that we don't need him and as such, we are broken because we function much better with God then without him.

    There is no way for US to get "up there" with God

    PSac your view on this appears to be contradictory. We cannot choose to do something if there is no way for us to do it. This may just be an error in your analysis when you switch freely from figurative separateness to physical any case it doesn't work. You also;

    Christ's sacrifice was God's ultimate act of love, for he so loved the world that his only-begotten son died for us to be able to have God live in us though the merciful gift of Grace.

    Completely skipped over the WHY that must be answered if you are refuting my idea above. (WHY did he have to die for us? - "to have God live in us" is not does not answer why that was the only way such a thing could be accomplished.)

  • sabastious
    Christ's sacrifice was God's ultimate act of love

    As a side point, I don't believe this at all.

    I think the ultimate sacrifice would have been giving up his son forever.

    I would much prefer a Gospel where Jesus lives a full life and has many followers and dies of old age, permanently. I don't see a whole lot of sacrifice (other than Jesus' torture) in Jesus death, since he as resurrected 3 days later.

    my two cents (don't mean to derail your message)


  • PSacramento
    PSac your view on this appears to be contradictory. We cannot choose to do something if there is no way for us to do it. This may just be an error in your analysis when you switch freely from figurative separateness to physical any case it doesn't work. You also;

    Not sure what you mean...There is no way for Us to "reach God" by doing deeds, following the law and so forth, is what I meant, there is nothing we can do to be saved because we choose to do that withou God in us, it is part of our pride that we think we can "be good enough for God" by doing A.B and C without God abiding in us and we can't do this because our intentions defeat the validity of what were are trying to accomplish.

    Not sure if I explained that well...

  • PSacramento
    As a side point, I don't believe this at all.
    I think the ultimate sacrifice would have been giving up his son forever.
    I would much prefer a Gospel where Jesus lives a full life and has many followers and dies of old age, permanently. I don't see a whole lot of sacrifice (other than Jesus' torture) in Jesus death, since he as resurrected 3 days later.
    my two cents (don't mean to derail your message)

    I think for us, looking back on this message, it doesn't have the same "weight and significance" it had for those that expereinced it.

    The death of Christ and his ressurection not only validate ALL his teachings ( for those of his time) and put us under the Grace of God, but demonstrated what we have to look forward to ( our ressurection) and allowed us to receive the HS.

  • sabastious
    I think for us, looking back on this message, it doesn't have the same "weight and significance" it had for those that expereinced it.

    I think it has TOO MUCH weight and significance BECAUSE people today didn't experience it.

    People act like they knew Jesus personally and watched him die.


  • PSacramento

    Well, Mel's movie was pretty intense !


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