This is scary we are to put the GB in the same place as Jesus according to the Dec 15 WT

by life is to short 76 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • mouthy
  • Magwitch

    OTWO...Thanks for sharing this. It is hard to believe that millions of witnesses are looking forward to billions of people being destroyed because they did not obey the ramblings of a few mentally ill men in NY.

  • LongHairGal

    Yes, they slipped this idea in over the years and I must not have been paying attention until one day I sat up and took notice of what I was hearing and said "WTF" to myself because I never signed on for that. They have insinuated themselves between the average person and Jesus. I would call this presumptuous, to say the least.

    This was one of many wrong things in the religion that led to my becoming a Fader.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    How is this different from Manson, the Smart perpetrator, Hitler, Hirohito, Mao, Stalin? The arrogance is mind-boggling. Would God choose Pittsburgh over NY, London or Paris? More importantly, what type of person believes they are special intermediaries who can receive messages from Christ? I find hall monitor in grade school and audio-visual guys weird. Politicians strike me as bizzare to believe they can promote a cause or determine policy better than the electorate. There are Masonic overtones. I was raised a JW. My wonder was that family members believed this crap.

    I don't which came first my questioning or my JW experience. My higher education emphasized the need to ask hard questions to all, including the admin. and profs. When regular Witnesses approach me, it is hard to not scream at them with my frustration. Bible thumpers who cannot read the Bible. Of course, the Witness Bible is not a legitimate translation. These men (yes, only men) have no credentials such as advanced Koine Greek or theology in general. Regular Witnesses are not involved in a scam. I feel in my very bones that these men do not believe what they spout. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Again, who believes such things of themselves? There was always a split between God-fearing Witnesses who never felt they were good enough and those confident of their survival. Is this meek behavior? Is it godly? Is it wise?

  • wobble

    It was this very issue that finally caused me to walk away in early 2008.

    The Governing Body were putting themselves in place of Jesus, and demanding worship of them, it cannot be described as anything less.

    What outrageous blasphemy ! what incredible pride and arrogance ! Satan comes only a distant second to their attitude, at least he was evidently a creature with some intellect and education and reasoning ability who could expect people to follow him. (Actually a mythical figure of course)

    I think that any who do not see this who are in the religion are lost, they do not want to see, they want to believe the Lie.

  • Heaven

    The GB are reverting to the boldness of the 70s and 80s!


    I smell desperation on the GB's part.

    They need to tread carefully as this whole idea obviously causes some (hopefully many) to awaken (GJ, Wobble, LHG to name a few here on JWN).

    I remember my first reaction when reading the statement that the GB had inserted themselves as mediator before Jesus so that every JW had to first go through the GB to get to Christ... "That's blasphemous!"

    Ray Franz felt the same way. It was one of his big issues with the cult too.

    Looks like they're elevating themselves now, soon to pass and push Jesus out altogether.

  • SlipnSlide

    I'm with you Wobble on this!

    You can't have the GB, Jehovah and Jesus on the same level playing field. All of this "forced fed" food is becoming redamdiculous. It's statments like those in that watchtower that would make a thinking person question everything that we were thought.

  • designs

    The Society transitioned from single Seer's to group Seers. They are only catching up with the rest of Christianity, although most Evangelicals are vulnerable to the charismatic personality.

  • Sayswho


    Paragraph 19 Among those "gifts in men" are US, who act in a representative way for the entire Christian congregation. (Acts 15:2,6) In fact, YOUR attitude toward US is a major factor that will determine how YOU will be judged during the coming great tribulation. (Matt. 25:34-40) Thus, one aspect of the way YOU gain a blessing is by giving YOUR loyal support to US.

    That's a bit clearer I think.

    • right - on --- cleared it up for me


  • cult classic
    cult classic
    I swear if they did tell my husband we were in the new world right now he might just believe them


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