This is scary we are to put the GB in the same place as Jesus according to the Dec 15 WT

by life is to short 76 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • tec

    The NIV translation says God "gave gifts TO men." So a 'small' group of men (8) are not THE 'gift.' There is nothing "discreet" about them.

    Thanks Gayle. I didn't understand what they were talking about... gifts IN men.


  • sd-7

    Actually, the wording in paragraph 18 puts the Governing Body in the place of God himself. The literature is referenced as food that "he [God] provides". The scripture, Matthew 24:45, references, not God, but the 'faithful slave'. So, the faithful slave is really saying that their literature is what God has provided, basically taking any human hands or the possibility of imperfection out of the equation. They acknowledge that appointed men are imperfect later on, but this seems more a reference to local elders.

    So this is even scarier than one might think. The wording suggests a lot more than equality with Christ, if you ask me.


  • dozy

    One of the last Watchtowers I attended had an elder answer "The definition of how spiritual someone is how strongly they support the Faithful & Discreet Slave and do what they say." (and I'm quoting word for word , as I got the tape afterwards.) "Very good point." answered the conductor. I looked around & no-one had batted an eyelid.


    Come on ladies. Face up to what you already know.

    Men are a gift. It's the size of the package they come in that makes - La differance.

  • alanv

    If you thought that magazine was good, check this out from the September 15th 2010 Watchtower page 23

    The anointed and their other sheep companions recognize that by following the lead of the modern-day Governing Body, they are in fact following their Leader, Christ.

  • GrandmaJones

    Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

    Frankly, it was this ever increasing glory of the Governing Body that was a major part of "and I will vomit you out of my mouth".

  • Soldier77


    Wow, if I was God, I would be pretty pissed at the GB/Leaders of the WTS...

  • BluesBrother
    And listening to God means willingly submitting oneself to the arrangement he has sent in place, the Christian congregation with appointed elders, "gifts in men."-Eph. 4:8.

    I agree that this is presumption in the extreme, but I do not see anything very new here. If I were a dub I would say. "Yes we accept God's arrangement", but they certainly are not in the same place as Jesus..

    No doubt the reasonable dubs will think that way, but if a reader wants to follow men and have every little thing decided for him, that sort of dub will read it that the G B speak for the Almighty Himself

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    So what is new here?

    This has been taught for at least 30 years.


  • sabastious
    This has been taught for at least 30 years.

    The GB are reverting to the boldness of the 70s and 80s!


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